Fall Herbicides Insight
Western Canada
Control: Once the crop canopy is removed, winter annuals and biennials soak up moisture and the last rays of sun before winter. In that window before freezing, some winter annuals are able to produce thousands of seeds. If you let the plants go to seed, you'll be fighting those weeds for years to come. A fall herbicide application helps control weeds before they become established.
Timing: A fall burnoff herbicide application post-harvest and before the temperature drops will remove later germinating weeds. This will help to greatly reduce weed biomass in the field.
A soil-applied extended weed control herbicide application in the late fall starts working in the spring after the snow melts and/or spring rain. This creates a barrier that stops spring weeds from emerging.
Weather Conditions: In Western Canada, fall weather conditions are often more favorable for herbicide application compared to other seasons. Cooler temperatures and higher humidity can enhance herbicide efficacy.
Crop Rotation: Applying herbicides in fall allows for more effective weed control, allowing growers to plant a wider variety of crops in the next spring without being restricted by weed problems.
Reduced Competition: Controlling weeds in the fall reduces competition for resources such as water, nutrients, and sunlight, which gives the crops a better chance to establish themselves and grow vigorously in the spring.
Resistance Management: Continuous use of the same herbicides can lead to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds. Rotating herbicides and using them at different times of the year, including in the fall, can help manage herbicide resistance.
When combined with glyphosate, FMC's Focus® herbicide controls winter annuals like wild mustard and stinkweed in the post-harvest season, as well as wild oat control the following spring.
Express® brand herbicides deliver complete burnoff with no re-growth. That's year-round weed control flexibility, with the ability for quick re-cropping.
Following best practices with your fall herbicide applications can ensure your herbicide program sets your spring season up for success.
Applying herbicides in the fall can alleviate early-season pressure. Learn more about the benefits of fall herbicide application.
Control weeds and dry-down plant material to make harvest faster and easier by adding Aim® EC herbicide to your pre-harvest application. Now also registered for post-harvest application.
Enhance the activity of glyphosate on tough biennial and perennial weeds and keep your re-cropping options open for next spring with Express® SG herbicide.
Use Express® PRO herbicide to get a head start on spring with up to 15 days of powerful systemic action that's even more effective when applied in the fall.
Get comprehensive weed control for cereal crops and excellent resistance management with 3 modes of action when adding Express® FX herbicide to glyphosate.
Focus® herbicide has a unique mode of action combination that, when applied post-harvest, provides fall burnoff of emerged labeled weeds, PLUS extended activity on key grassy and broadleaf weeds such as kochia, lamb’s-quarters, wild mustard, stinkweed and wild oats in the spring.
Authority® 480 herbicide provides extended activity on challenging weeds like kochia, redroot pigweed, lamb’s quarters, wild buckwheat and cleavers. Its liquid formulation can be easily tank-mixed with glyphosate or applied alone and does not require soil incorporation.
Authority® Supreme herbicide delivers consistent, extended control of many grassy and broadleaf weeds in front of field peas, chickpeas and soybeans. By combining Group 14 and 15 modes of action, it also provides highly effective resistance management. Authority® Supreme herbicide can be tank-mixed with glyphosate.
Intruvix™ herbicide is fast… and it lasts. It brings the only four mode-of-action (after adding glyphosate) burndown, to fight resistance and control over 30 of the toughest broadleaf weeds.
Get weed control customized to your cropping plans, weed spectrum and field size with PrecisionPac® herbicides. Dispensed in a convenient, pre-measured bag for your exact weed profile and field size or sprayer tank capacity, so you buy only the amount you need with no leftovers to store.
When you choose an FMC fall herbicide your community wins too.
FMC will donate 10 cents* to community-based organizations, chosen in your area by your local retailer, for every acre of our eligible fall-labelled herbicides sold between July 15 and October 31, 2023.
Participating products:
*Terms and Conditions Apply
Get a head start on your spring season with Fall Herbicides