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Herbicide Layering: How to get effective weed control with PrecisionPac® herbicide

Precision PAC Product imageWhen it comes to weed control, it's no secret that staying ahead of resistance is a challenge. That's where herbicide layering comes in—a proven strategy to keep weeds under control while protecting your go-to herbicides for the long haul. And with PrecisionPac® Application Innovation, layering herbicides just got a whole lot easier and more effective. 

What is Herbicide Layering? 

Herbicide layering involves using multiple herbicide groups with different modes of action at different times in the growing season. Instead of mixing everything into one tank and spraying it all at once, layering spreads out the applications to hit weeds at various stages of growth. 

For example, you might start with a pre-seed herbicide that combines a couple of modes of action and then follow up in-crop with entirely different modes of action. This staggered approach makes it harder for weeds to build resistance, keeps your fields cleaner for longer and protects the effectiveness of herbicides for future crops. 

Why It Works 

  • Slows Resistance: Using different modes of action at other times makes it harder for weeds to adapt. 

  • Season-Long Control: Tackles weeds at multiple stages, keeping your crop clean from start to finish. 

  • Future-Proofing Your Fields: Prevents weeds from setting seed, cutting down on problems for next year. 

Layering Starts with a Strong Pre-Seed Plan 

The first step in herbicide layering is getting your pre-seed application right. Here’s where FMC can help, with three types of pre-seed herbicides that fit perfectly into a layering strategy: 

  • Burnoff Herbicides: Knock out emerged weeds so you can start planting on a clean slate. 

  • Extended Weed Control: These products create a barrier within the soil surface, stopping later flushes of weeds after being activated by a moisture event. 

  • Complete Solutions: A combo of burnoff and extended control for the ultimate weed-free start to the season. 

Where PrecisionPac® Herbicides Fit In 

PrecisionPac® Application Innovation doesn't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to weed control. Instead, it can create up to 27 different herbicide blends, each tackling a specific weed spectrum in your field. Your PrecisionPac® herbicide blend comes packaged in a small, easy-to-carry bag with the field name or number right on it. 

PrecisionPac® herbicide blends are pre-measured by the PrecisionPac® machine, so you don’t have to worry about measuring or dealing with leftovers. Just grab your custom PrecisionPac® bag, add it with your other tank-mix partners, and you'll be ready to roll. It's as easy as that.  

Built for Resistance Management 

The PrecisionPac® herbicide approach says it all: "Right product, right rate, right acre." Each herbicide blend delivers precisely what your field needs, tackling tough, resistant weeds or preparing your fields for seeding. Because PrecisionPac® herbicides give you exactly what you need—no more, no less—it helps reduce waste and keeps costs in check.  

A Simple Strategy with Big Payoffs 

Herbicide layering isn't just about controlling weeds this year—it's about building a plan that keeps your fields clean and your herbicides working for seasons to come. By combining the right products with PrecisionPac® herbicides, you'll have an effective, efficient, and easy-to-manage strategy. 

Herbicide Layering Starts With A Strong Pre-Seed Plan 

FMC has you and your growers covered across all three categories of pre-seed herbicides that can be incorporated into effective herbicide layering strategies. 

Fmc burnoff herbicide products  

Spring burnoff is a herbicide application that happens pre-seed or pre-emergence to the crop. A proper burnoff application controls emerged weeds so you can begin seeding into a clean slate. A PrecisionPac® spring burnoff is a great way to handle those tough winter annuals and biennials that have germinated early.

FMC Burnoff Herbicide Products (CLICK TO VIEW)

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NC 0050

PrecisionPac® NC-0050 herbicide

Customized, hard-hitting burnoff weed control with maximum cropping flexibility. Give glyphosate a boost with systemic activity that gets right to the root of your toughest weed problems. Seed a wide variety of crops 24 hours after application.


PrecisionPac® NC-00439 herbicide

Customized, extended control of key broadleaf weeds including cleavers, dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard and volunteer canola. Apply up to 24 hours prior to seeding wheat (spring, durum, winter) or spring barley. Delivers up to 15 days of extended control when tank-mixed with glyphosate.

BD 878

PrecisionPac® DB-878 herbicide 

Customized weed control in wheat (spring, durum or winter), spring barley and oats. Built-in multiple modes of action make PrecisionPac® DB-878 herbicide an excellent resistance management tool for pre-seed control of key broadleaf weeds like kochia, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, dandelion and wild buckwheat.

878 Pro

PrecisionPac® DB-878 PRO herbicide

A new, customized blend that can be sprayed ahead of wheat (spring, durum, or winter) and barley. Get trusted kochia control without sacrificing extended control on cleavers, dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, or volunteer canola.



This new blend provides quick burnoff of hard-to-control weeds including glyphosate-resistant biotypes. This Group 14 herbicide has a low volume rate for protection in a broad range of crops with multiple rate and tank-mix options. For more information, check out the label and/or technical brochure


PRECISIONPAC® CF-18-50 Herbicide

Our most versatile burnoff with powered-up performance and no re-cropping restrictions.  PrecisionPac® CF-18-50 herbicide is a level up from your traditional burnoff, with 3 modes of action from Group 2, 9 and 14 (when mixed with glyphosate). Get fast and lasting control of key weeds that glyphosate alone cannot. PrecisionPac® CF-18-50 herbicide is our most flexible burnoff option with no re-cropping restrictions the following year. 


PRECISIONPAC® CF-18-439 Herbicide

Highest performing burnoff with reliable extended control of germinating cleavers, volunteer canola, narrow-leaved hawk’s- beard and dandelion.  PrecisionPac® CF-18-439 herbicide is a premium burnoff blend for northern geographies that require extended control of key weeds such as cleavers, dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard and volunteer canola. With 3 modes of action from Groups 2, 9, and 14 (when mixed with glyphosate), you will experience the power-up effect with fast burndown activity and lasting systemic control.

PRECISIONPAC® CF-18-878 Herbicide

Our best resistance management burnoff to help control the toughest-to-kill weeds.  Take control of your toughest weeds with PrecisionPac® CF-18-878 herbicide ahead of cereals. This premium burnoff blend has activity on over 50 weeds, some of which include kochia, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, Russian thistle and volunteer canola. When mixed with glyphosate, this blend has 4 modes of action (Groups 2, 4, 9, 14) working for you to help delay the onset of herbicide resistance. 


Extended weed control

Improve your early season weed management with a product that protects the crop’s critical weed-free period. Products with extended weed control help manage weed pressure as the crop becomes established. PrecisionPac® extended weed control products create a soil-barrier once the herbicide goes into a solution with an activation rain or moisture event. This soil-barrier provides control of later weed flushes, reducing weed competition during that critical time.

FMC Extended Weed Control Products (CLICK TO VIEW)

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Give your crop the clean start it deserves. PrecisionPac® SZ herbicide is a flexible pre-emergent Group 14 herbicide with best-in-class control of kochia (including Group 2, 4 & 9 resistant biotypes) and suppression of Russian thistle. Only use PrecisionPac® SZ herbicide or any product containing sulfentrazone one out of every two years. 


PRECISIONPAC® PF-100-0050 Herbicide

Give your wheat crop the clean start it deserves. PrecisionPac® PF-100-0050 herbicide is a flexible pre-emergent Group 2 & 15 herbicide for your spring and winter wheat. PrecisionPac® PF-100-0050 herbicide has burnoff activity as well as extended control on a wide range of grassy and broadleaf weeds.

Authority Supreme

Authority® Supreme herbicide

Want to give your crops extended 2-in-1 pre-emergent protection? Take control from the start with Authority® Supreme – a herbicide using dual modes of action to dominate even the toughest hard-to-control weeds.


Authority 480

Authority® 480 herbicide

When you apply pre-emergent Authority® 480 herbicide, it’s because you’re after kochia and you mean business. But it’s not like the other weeds can just jump out of the way. Yes: Authority 480 herbicide controls kochia with powerful, extended Group 14 activity to protect peas, flax, and other crops. It also targets redroot pigweed, lamb’s-quarters, cleavers and wild buckwheat.


FMC Complete Solution products

PrecisionPac® complete solution herbicides give you everything you need— pre-seed burnoff plus extended control —in one easy to use blend. They’re designed to simplify your routine and deliver dependable results, so you can focus on what matters most, growing your best crop.

FMC Complete Solution Products (CLICK TO VIEW)

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PrecisionPac® SZ-0050 herbicide

A complete solution product which offers burnoff plus extended control of critical weeds. Our first combination of group 2 and group 14 actives provides control key driver weeds like kochia, Russian thistle, narrow-leaved hawk's beard and Russian thistle. Apply SZ-0050 preseed to your field peas, soybeans, and spring wheat (including durum). For more information, check out the label and/or technical brochure


PRECISIONPAC® SZ-75-18 Herbicide

Give your crop the clean start it deserves. PrecisionPac® SZ-75-18 herbicide is a flexible pre-emergent Group 14 herbicide for soybeans, field peas, chickpeas and wheat (spring and durum). PrecisionPac® SZ-75-18 herbicide has best-in-class control of kochia (including Group 2, 4 & 9 resistant biotypes). 


PRECISIONPAC® PF-100-0050 Herbicide

Give your wheat crop the clean start it deserves. PrecisionPac® PF-100-0050 herbicide is a flexible pre-emergent Group 2 & 15 herbicide for your spring and winter wheat. PrecisionPac® PF-100-0050 herbicide has burnoff activity as well as extended control on a wide range of grassy and broadleaf weeds.

FMC Post-Emergent Broadleaf Weed Control

Broadleaf weeds can be a real problem once they’ve started growing. PrecisionPac® post-emergent herbicide products are designed to tackle these stubborn invaders at the right time, protecting your crop and helping you maintain strong, healthy yields.

FMC Post-Emergent Broadleaf Weed Control (CLICK TO VIEW)

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PRECISIONPAC® PP-2525 Herbicide

Gentle on crops, tough on the toughest weeds.  For consistent in-crop weed control in spring wheat, winter wheat, durum, barley and oats*, PrecisionPac® PP-2525 herbicide controls a wide spectrum of weeds, including narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, hemp-nettle, redroot pigweed, cow cockle and volunteer canola. A fit in all major soil zones, PrecisionPac® PP-2525 herbicide offers tank-mix and re-cropping flexibility.  

*only when tank-mixed with MCPA Ester 


PRECISIONPAC® PP-23235 Herbicide

Biennial and perennial weed specialist for dark brown, black and grey soil zones.  PrecisionPac® PP-23235 herbicide provides premium control of a broad spectrum of weeds, with particularly good performance on perennial and biennial weeds. 



PRECISIONPAC® PP-3317 Herbicide

Proven performance with maximum flexibility.  PrecisionPac® PP-3317 herbicide delivers exceptional value with proven performance on wild buckwheat (up to the 5-leaf stage), hemp-nettle, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard and chickweed in spring wheat, durum, barley, oats and winter wheat. You can further customize your weed control with many tank-mix options, including Perimeter® II for improved control of kochia and cleavers. Plus, it leaves you with complete re-cropping flexibility the following year. 


PRECISIONPAC® DB-6654 Herbicide

Superior perennial and biennial weed control for the brown soil zone.  PrecisionPac® DB-6654 herbicide is a high-performing in-crop herbicide with enhanced broadleaf control in spring wheat, durum and barley. Rely on this blend for superior control of kochia (including Group 2 resistant), Russian thistle and wild buckwheat. 


PRECISIONPAC® DB-8454 Herbicide

Weed control for the brown soil zone.  PrecisionPac® DB-8454 herbicide provides control of the toughest weeds in the brown soil zones, especially when it comes to annual weeds like wild buckwheat, stinkweed, volunteer canola and flixweed. It also offers solid control of Group 2-resistant kochia, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, dandelion and Russian thistle. It contains both Groups 2 and 4 to help manage weed resistance and can be used in spring wheat, durum and barley. 

FMC Cross-Spectrum Grassy and Broadleaf Weed Control

When you are dealing with a mix of grassy and broadleaf weeds, you need a versatile solution. PrecisionPac® cross-spectrum herbicides offer proven control for a wide range of weeds, giving you the confidence to keep your fields clear and your crops growing strong.

FMC Cross-Spectrum Grassy and Broadleaf Weed Control (CLICK TO VIEW)

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PRECISIONPAC® CS-100-2525 Herbicide

PrecisionPac® CS-100-2525 herbicide offers tailor-made, one pass weed control for spring and durum wheat. PrecisionPac® CS-100-2525 herbicide delivers outstanding control of your toughest broadleaf and grassy weeds, including Group 1-resistant wild oats, Japanese brome, dandelion and narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard. As a PrecisionPac® herbicide, you also get the flexibility to customize your package size to fit your sprayer tank or field size. 


PRECISIONPAC® CS-75-2525 Herbicide

Great weed control, exceptional value.  PrecisionPac® CS-75-2525 herbicide is a cost-effective, all-in-one solution for controlling lower wild oat populations (<75 plants/m2) that combines a reduced rate of our pyroxsulam with PrecisionPac® PP-2525 herbicide. That way, you get wild oat activity without compromising on exceptional broadleaf weed control in your spring and durum wheat. 




One pass, one solution for your most challenging fields.  PrecisionPac® CS-100-23235 herbicide is an all-in-one blend for the dark brown, black and grey soil zones that combines our pyroxsulam and PrecisionPac® PP-23235 herbicide together for uncompromising control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in spring and durum wheat.  As a PrecisionPac® herbicide, you also get the flexibility to customize your package size to fit your sprayer tank or field size. 



PRECISIONPAC® CS-75-23235 Herbicide

Wild oat activity, broadleaf performance, exceptional value.  PrecisionPac® CS-75-23235 herbicide combines a reduced rate of our pyroxsulam and PrecisionPac® PP-23235 herbicide in a cost-effective, all-in-one solution that delivers wild oat activity and exceptional broadleaf weed control for your spring and durum wheat.  As a PrecisionPac® herbicide, you also get the flexibility to customize your package size to fit your sprayer tank or field size.