Quick Facts
- Extended control of tough-to-kill grassy and broadleaf weeds, including industry leading kochia control
- Dual modes of action provide a sound resistance management tool and an excellent option for herbicide layering
- No incorporation required
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Product Overview
A vigorous start for your field peas, chickpeas, soybeans and sunflowers is important for maximizing yield potential.
A fall application of Authority® Supreme herbicide, applied with or without glyphosate, can help keep fields clean in the early spring to give you time to seed into a clean field for a vigorous start. It provides extended 2-in-1 protection against many tough grassy and broadleaf weeds – while spreading out your workload between fall and spring.
Authority® Supreme herbicide requires moisture to be activated. By applying in the fall, it will move into soil water with the snowmelt and/or an early spring rainfall, becoming available for uptake by emerging weeds. By controlling weeds before they emerge in the spring, there’s less competition for water and nutrients. That means a better start for your crop.
Many weeds are resistant to one or more herbicide Groups. The actives in Authority® Supreme herbicide provide activity on the following resistant weeds: redroot pigweed (Groups 2 and 5), lamb’s-quarters (Group 2), cleavers (Groups 2 and 4), kochia (Groups 2 and 9), wild buckwheat (Group 2) and wild oats (Group 1).

Field Peas
Target Control For Field Peas
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Barnyard grass
- Brome (Downy, Japanese)
- Cleavers
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Common ragweed*
- Cow cockle
- Crabgrass (large, smooth)
- Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Palmer amaranth
- Pigweed (green, redroot, powell)
- Stinkweed
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard*
- Wild oats*
- Witchgrass
- Yellow woodsorrel

Target Control For Chickpea
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Barnyard grass
- Brome (Downy, Japanese)
- Cleavers
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Common ragweed*
- Cow cockle
- Crabgrass (large, smooth)
- Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Palmer amaranth
- Pigweed (green, redroot, powell)
- Stinkweed
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard*
- Wild oats*
- Witchgrass
- Yellow woodsorrel

Target Control For Soybeans
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Barnyard grass
- Brome (Downy, Japanese)
- Cleavers
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Common ragweed*
- Cow cockle
- Crabgrass (large, smooth)
- Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Palmer amaranth
- Pigweed (green, redroot, powell)
- Stinkweed
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard*
- Wild oats*
- Witchgrass
- Yellow woodsorrel

Target Control For Sunflower
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Barnyard grass
- Brome (Downy, Japanese)
- Cleavers
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Common ragweed*
- Cow cockle
- Crabgrass (large, smooth)
- Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Palmer amaranth
- Pigweed (green, redroot, powell)
- Stinkweed
- Waterhemp
- Wild mustard*
- Wild oats*
- Witchgrass
- Yellow woodsorrel
Full crop listing
- Field Peas
- Chickpea
- Soybeans
- Sunflower
Registered Provinces
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- British Columbia
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Chemical Group: Group 14 and Group 15.
Rates and packaging: 2 x 8 L jugs per case. Each 8 L jug treats 33 or 40 acres per jug when applied for extended control.
Timing: Authority® Supreme herbicide may be applied in the fall once soil temperatures have cooled to 10 degrees Celsius.
Application Information:
- Apply after any heavy harrowing or tillage event.
- If higher disturbance seeding, consider a spring post seed application.
- Do not apply Authority® Supreme herbicide to fields treated with products containing sulfentrazone in the previous year.
- Clean out tank after using Authority® Supreme herbicide. When spraying Authority® Supreme herbicide for multiple days, at the end of each day, rinse tank with water and leave 1/3 full of water overnight.
- Clean out tank after using Authority® Supreme herbicide. When spraying Authority® Supreme herbicide for multiple days, at the end of each day, rinse tank with water and leave 1/3 full of water overnight.
- Do not apply to soils classified as coarse-textured soils.
- Do not apply in any type of soil with organic matter lower than 1% or greater than 6%.
- Do not use on soils with a pH of 7.8 or greater.
Surfactant: Not Required.
Water volume: 10 US gal/ac provides best uniform soil coverage with medium to coarse droplet sizes.
Rainfastness: N/A.
Mixing Instructions: Fill spray tank one-half to two-thirds full of water. With agitator operating, add the recommended amount of ingredients using the WAMLEGS order.
Rotational intervals and crops:
Any time: Soybean, chickpeas, field peas
4 months: Winter wheat
12 months: Barley, canola, field corn, mustard, oats, spring and durum wheat, sunflowers
24 months: Lentils
36 months: Sugar beets
Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo and Authority are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
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