Quick Facts
- Provides three modes of action, Groups 2, 4 and 9 when combined with glyphosate, to help fight resistance
- Comprehensive broadleaf control: Kochia (including resistant biotypes), dandelion, flixweed, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, stinkweed, volunteer canola
- When applying post-harvest, next spring you can seed canola, field corn, oats, spring barley, soybeans, wheat (spring or durum) or white beans.
- Seed winter wheat 24 hours after fall application
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Product Overview
Fall is a great time to control tough weeds and Express® FX herbicide provides powerful performance against those tough broadleaf weeds. Providing enhanced control of key weeds like kochia (including Groups 2 & 9 resistant biotypes), dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, flixweed, stinkweed and volunteer canola.
With systemic activity, Express® FX herbicide controls weeds all the way down to the root to prevent regrowth in the spring. Adding Express® FX herbicide to glyphosate puts three modes of action to work on your farm, for exceptional management of weed resistance.

Durum Wheat
Target Control For Durum Wheat
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers
- Common chickweed
- Common ragweed
- Cow cockle
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Green foxtail
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats

Winter Wheat
Target Control For Winter Wheat
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers
- Common chickweed
- Common ragweed
- Cow cockle
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Green foxtail
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats

Target Control For Barley
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers
- Common chickweed
- Common ragweed
- Cow cockle
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Green foxtail
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats

Target Control For Oats
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers
- Common chickweed
- Common ragweed
- Cow cockle
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Green foxtail
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
Full crop listing
- Spring Wheat
- Durum Wheat
- Oats
- Barley
- Winter Wheat
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- British Columbia
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Chemical Group: Groups 2, 4 & 9 when mixed with glyphosate.
Registered and Supported Tank Mixes: Must be tank-mixed with glyphosate.
- Aim® EC herbicide
- 2,4-D Ester
- Focus® herbicide (spring/winter wheat)
- Authority® 480 herbicide (spring/durum wheat).
Timing: Add Express® FX herbicide to your glyphosate for pre-seed, chemfallow, or post-harvest.
Rates and Packaging: One (1) case treats 80 acres.
Surfactant: No additional surfactant is required when tank-mixed with 0.5 REL glyphosate/acre.
Water volume: 5 US gal/ac (50 L/ha).
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