Western Canada
Weeds compete with pulse crops for essential resources such as water, nutrients, and sunlight. In the early stages of growth, pulse crops are establishing themselves and weeds can quickly outcompete pulse crops, leading to reduced growth and lower yields.
Weeds are often more manageable in the early stages of their growth. Early weed control measures with a pre-seed herbicide application can be more effective because the weeds are small and haven't yet established strong root systems.
Weeds can also affect crop yield. If left unchecked, they can shade pulse crops, limiting access to sunlight and hindering photosynthesis. Additionally, weeds can absorb nutrients that would otherwise be available to the pulse crops, leading to stunted growth and lower yields.
Weeds also contribute to stress in pulse crops by competing for resources and creating unfavorable conditions. This stress can make pulse crops more susceptible to diseases and pest infestations, affecting overall crop health.
As well, weeds can serve as hosts for pests and diseases that can then spread to pulse crops. By controlling weeds early, growers can help reduce the potential for pest and disease pressure on their pulse crops.
Weed resistance to herbicides has been a reality for a long time. The discovery of glyphosate-resistant kochia biotypes is spreading rapidly across Western Canada. Get ahead in your resistance management by using multiple modes of action and by practicing herbicide layering.
A strong Group 14 glyphosate partner for quick, enhanced burnoff of hard-to-control weeds including kochia (Group 2, 4 and 9 resistant), flixweed, lamb’s-quarters, redroot pigweed and cleavers (Group 2 and 4 resistant). Aim® EC herbicide adds a novel mode of action to glyphosate for resistance management.
Consistent, pre-emergent extended Group 14 activity to control Group 2, 4 and 9 resistant kochia, redroot pigweed, lamb’s-quarters, cleavers (suppression), waterhemp, wild buckwheat and more. Apply pre-seed or up to three days after seeding peas, soybeans, flax and other crops. Now registered for control of kochia in spring and durum wheat.
Authority® Supreme herbicide – Give your crops extended 2-in-1 pre-emergent protection. Uses dual modes of action to dominate even the toughest hard-to-control weeds. Extended activity from both the Group 14 and 15 actives provides protection against grassy and broadleaf weeds in field peas, chickpeas and soybeans.
Authroity® Strike - Delivers a fast, powerful one-pass burnoff to start followed by long-lasting extended control of later flushing weeds for pulse and cereal crops.
Gives lentils and spring wheat growers powerful grassy and broadleaf weed control from dual modes of action. It can be applied at pre-seed, pre-emergence or in the fall for powerful, extended activity on both grassy and broadleaf weeds. Group 14 and 15 modes of action provide enhanced burnoff and extended control of a wide weed spectrum and an all-in-one resistance management tool.
New Carbine® insecticide protects alfalfa, lentils, field peas and other pulse crops (excluding soybeans) against yield-robbing aphids. Carbine® insecticide is a fast-acting, selective aphid control product with a unique Group 29 mode of action. It’s an ideal partner for an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) because of its minimal impact on beneficial insects and pollinators* and favourable toxicology profile. Carbine® insecticide even reduces lygus and tarnished plant bug numbers.
Powered by Rynaxypyr® active, a unique mode of action that provides remarkable plant protection. It delivers reliable, consistent, long-lasting protection against key insects such as grasshoppers, diamondback moth, cabbage looper and others. It has minimal impact on many important beneficial insects and pollinators when applied as directed by label.
Pest control should be effective and reliable. Pounce 384EC insecticide is a top-performing solution for control of both striped and crucifer flea beetles in canola, as well as cutworms and other pests in a wide variety of crops. It can be applied by ground or air at different times for different crops, giving you more control options. The stability of Pounce 384EC insecticide in sunlight also means you get longer control versus other pyrethroids.