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Man touching wheat in fieldCanada is a dominant player in the worldwide wheat, oats, and barley market.

More acres of wheat are grown in Canada than any other crop. It is the single biggest export earner of all agricultural products in Canada. Worldwide, Canada is the sixth-largest producer and one of the world’s largest exporters of wheat annually. Over 90 per cent of the Canadian crop is grown on the Prairies.  

Our dominance on the worldwide small-grain market doesn’t end with wheat. Canadian oats make up the majority of the world oat trade and Canada is the fourth largest barley producer and the second largest malt exporter in the world.

Small grains have been grown on the Prairies since the early 1900s and weed control has been a problem ever since. Researchers and producers now know the value of early weed control in getting a crop established in the spring. Producers have learned that even a slight growth advantage on weeds really benefits the crop.

Glyphosate is often used as a pre-seed burnoff with another product added as a tank-mix to control weeds that glyphosate misses. The right tank-mix partner can also add extended control to get the crop through the critical weed free period and reduce the risk of weed resistance.

Fall weed control is another important part of the weed management strategy for many growers. A timely burnoff of weeds after harvest is a good way to manage some hard-to-control weeds and set up the next spring’s seeding.

FMC offers a suite of products for pre-seed, in-crop and fall weed control.

Deeper Dive Into Cereals

Weeds collage

Take charge of weed control this season with Authority Strike™ herbicide

Weeds compete with crops for moisture, nutrients, and sunlight, making early and effective control essential for strong yields. Authority Strike™ herbicide offers a powerful pre-seed solution with fast-acting burnoff and extended soil-applied control, helping farmers manage tough weeds like kochia, cleavers, and wild buckwheat while reducing herbicide resistance risks.
Kochia and cleavers

Taking charge of kochia and cleavers in wheat

Kochia is spreading quickly, including biotypes that are resistant to multiple herbicide groups. Cleavers are on the rise too through the dark brown, black and grey wooded soil zones. A well-timed early season control can make an enormous difference in controlling both of these weeds.


Managing resistance means using different modes of action

Weed resistance to herbicides has been a reality for a long time. The discovery of glyphosate-resistant kochia biotypes is spreading rapidly across Western Canada. Get ahead in your resistance management by using multiple modes of action and by practicing herbicide layering.


How to manage the threat of weed resistance before it manages you

We depend on glyphosate. But the number of weeds resistant to glyphosate is increasing. Here are some strategies to reduce the risk of weed resistance on your farm.

wheat midge

Don’t lose yield and quality to wheat midge

Wheat midge is sneaky. Sometimes damage from wheat midge gets blamed on frost damage or drought stress. Don’t be fooled. Read how to scout and count wheat midge and protect your crop’s grade and yield against this nasty pest.
Focus on bare ground

A complete solution for a clean start

Using glyphosate over and over again is asking for trouble. Layering in novel modes of action is an excellent resistance management strategy. Here's a plan to make that happen pre-seed and pre-emergent in wheat and lentils.
Grassy weed article

Three Effective Tools to Combat Resistant Grassy Weeds

The number of grassy weeds resistant to in-crop herbicides is increasing. Dr. Breanne Tidemann, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lacombe, AB, presented some sobering statistics during the FMC Pre-School webinar, AGRC*104: Grassy Weeds in the Prairies: The Pests, the Problems, the Plans.
Russian Thistle

Managing Herbicide-Resistant Russian Thistle

Like its cousin kochia, Russian thistle is an annual weed that is highly adaptable to hot, dry conditions. It grows rapidly with its red-striped stems growing over one metre high with its extensive root system reaching almost two metres down.

Everything in Order: Tips for mixing herbicides in the right order

To be sure you are getting the most effective results from your herbicide investment requires paying close attention to the order you add products to your spray tank. A good rule of thumb is using the WAMLEGS method as follows:

Herbicide layering: How to get effective weed control using multiple modes of action

The practice of using herbicides from multiple groups in sequential applications to target the same weeds and will include soil-applied herbicides combined with pre-seed burnoff, followed by an in-crop herbicide application.

Intruvix® Herbicide

Learn more about effective early season weed control in cereals that helps you manage weed resistance at the same time.

Express® Brand Herbicides

Learn how to get better weed control and resistance management in your pre-seed weed control.


Pre-Seed Solutions for Cereals

Aim EC HerbicideA strong Group 14 glyphosate partner for enhanced burnoff prior to all major crops. Controls resistant broadleaf weeds and keeps cropping options open, so you can seed a wide variety of crops after application, including canola, pulses (including lentils) and cereals. 


Authority 480 HerbicideConsistent, pre-emergent extended Group 14 activity to control kochia, redroot pigweed, lamb’s-quarters, cleavers*, wild buckwheat and more. Apply pre-seed or up to three days after seeding field peas, soybeans, flax and other crops. Registered for control of kochia in spring and durum wheat. 

Express PRO HerbicideDesigned with Western farmers in mind, Express® PRO herbicide provides control of even the toughest broadleaf weeds. It brings both powerful burnoff and up to 15 days of extended activity on cleavers, dandelions, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard and volunteer canola (excluding Group 2 herbicide tolerant canola). 

Express SG HerbicideCombines excellent weed control with the flexibility to plant 20 different crops 24 hours after application. Express® SG herbicide can be mixed with both Aim® EC herbicide and Authority® 480 herbicide to enhance weed control and resistance management. 

Express FX HerbicideComprehensive weed control for cereal crops and excellent resistance management with three modes of action when added to glyphosate. Enhanced control of key weeds such as kochia (including Groups 2 & 9 resistant biotypes), dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, flixweed, stinkweed and volunteer canola. 

Focus HerbicideGives lentils and spring wheat growers powerful grassy and broadleaf weed control from dual modes of action. Focus® herbicide can be applied at pre-seed, pre-emergence or in the fall for powerful, extended activity on both grassy and broadleaf weeds. Group 14 and 15 modes of action provide enhanced burnoff when added to glyphosate and extended control of a wide weed spectrum, and an all-in-one resistance management tool. 

Intruvix HerbicideThe ideal burnoff before cereals, bringing fast activity and the power of systemic action. When added to glyphosate, four modes of action fight resistance and control over 30 of the toughest broadleaf weeds like kochia, cleavers, dandelions and narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard. 

In-Crop Products for Cereals

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Baricade IITough on weeds, but gentle on your cereal crops and with outstanding re-cropping flexibility, Barricade® II herbicide gives you consistent, powerful performance on broadleaf weeds like narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, cleavers and kochia — all without compromising crop health. 


Predicade IIFor convenient and powerful resistance management that’s an all-in-one product designed to knock-out a broad range of grassy and broadleaf weeds in your spring, durum, and winter wheat crop. Predicade® II herbicide is convenient to handle plus has five active ingredients.  


Refine M HerbicideWith great tank-mix flexibility, and two modes-of-action, Refine® M herbicide offers top-notch in-season control of dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard and buckwheat, as well as all types of volunteer canola. Re-cropping freedom also brings peace of mind for the next planting season. 


Refine SG HerbicideWith broad-spectrum control of broadleaf weeds, wide application window and vast number of tank-mix options, Refine® SG herbicide can fortify your weed management plan with greater flexibility, bringing you peace of mind. 


Predicade IIA go-to, in-season herbicide heavyweight for combating large weeds like late-stage wild buckwheat, as well as a variety of other key weeds such as cleavers and kochia. With a built-in adjuvant, wide application window and low use rate, Travallas® herbicide is both simple to use and easy to handle. 

Insecticides for Use in Cereals

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Coragen herbicide


Coragen MAX herbicideCoragen® MaX insecticide is powered by Rynaxypyr® active, a unique mode of action that provides remarkable plant protection. It delivers consistent, extended protection against key insects such as grasshoppers, diamondback moth, cabbage looper and others. It can be applied day or night in a wide range of temperatures and it has minimal impact on many important beneficial insects and pollinators.***. 


Cygon InsecticideFor systemic control of aphids, spider mites and other problem pests in wheat. Cygon® 480-AG insecticide is also registered for control of wheat midge. Overall, it's an excellent go-to protection tool with long-lasting control. 


Pounce herbicideA top-performing solution for control of both striped AND crucifer flea beetles, as well as cutworms in canola. It is a synthetic pyrethroid that's stable in sunlight, which results in longer extended control versus other pyrethroids. Pounce® 384EC insecticide is an effective foliar solution to support canola seed treatment packages and is registered for both ground and aerial application. 


**Depending on rate and when weather and temperature are optimal.  

***When applied at label rates. In line with Integrated Pest Management and Good Agricultural Practices, insecticide applications should be made when pollinators are not foraging to avoid unnecessary exposure.

Not sure where to start with your pre-seed application for your cereal crops?

Try Intruvix, the only four mode-of-action (after adding glyphosate) cereal burnoff, to fight resistance and control over 30 of the toughest broadleaf weeds.