A simple way to get cash back
Save up to 15% with FMC CashBack for Western Canada. This program brings you a suite of powerful, proven herbicides, along with serious savings that aren’t linked to the purchase of a particular brand of seed. You'll find ECONOMICS and AGRONOMICS in ONE simple program. Go ahead and farm your way! Use proven products like Aim® EC herbicide, Express® brand herbicides and PrecisionPac® herbicides to build on your return and Command® Charge and Intruvix® are also in the mix to maximize your cash back.
- Choose what fits - you can consider agronomics and economics
- Farm your way - there are no ties to seed purchase
Purchase a minimum of $5,000 between November 1, 2025 and October 31, 2025 and your FMC CashBack cheque will arrive at the end of the season.