Quick Facts
- A synthetic pyrethroid that's stable in sunlight. This results in longer extended control versus other pyrethroids.
- Pounce 384EC insecticide now registered for control of striped flea beetles in canola.
NEW CHOICE for BASF InVigor® hybrid canola growers! Pounce 384EC insecticide is now a respray option in the 2024 InVigor Hybrid Canola Support Programs
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Product Overview
Pounce 384EC insecticide brings outstanding performance. This product controls a variety of major pests in canola, cereals (barley, wheat, oats), cole crops (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts), corn, flax, lentils, peas, potato, sunflower, and sweet corn.
Pounce 384EC insecticide provides particularly great value for growers looking for flea beetle control in canola, as well as cutworms in cereals, corn, flax, lentils, peas, and sunflowers. It controls soil insects for a longer period of time versus other pyrethroids thanks to its stability in light. That means less stand reduction and fewer cut plants.
Pounce 384EC insecticide also features rate flexibility based on the pest being targeted, with the timing of application depending on insect thresholds.

Target Control For Canola
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cutworms (army, black, dark-sided, pale western, red-backed, white, variegated)
- Crucifer flea beetle

Target Control For Cereals
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cutworms (army, black, dark-sided, pale western, red-backed, white, variegated)

Target Control For Lentils
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cutworms (army, black, dark-sided, pale western, red-backed, white, variegated)

Target Control For Sunflower
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cutworms (army, black, dark-sided, pale western, red-backed, white, variegated)
Full crop listing
- Corn
- Canola
- Cabbage
- Sweet corn
- Wheat
- Barley
- Oats
- Rye
- Apple
- Pepper
- Potato
- Sunflower
- Flax
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Chinese Broccoli
- Mushroom
- Lentils
- Plum
- Peas
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Chemical Group: Group 3.
Tank-Mix Options:
- Coragen insecticide, Coragen MaX insecticide (up to 5 leaf stage canola)
- Liberty 150 SN herbicide (up to 5 leaf stage canola)
- Liberty 150 SN herbicide + Centurion herbicide (up to 5 leaf stage canola)
- Glyphosate (up to 5 leaf stage canola)
Timing: Depends on the crop. Please refer to application chart.
Crop Rotation: No recropping restrictions.
Application Information: Please refer to the application chart.
Rates and Packaging: 2 x 10 L jugs/case and 12 x 1 L jugs/case.
Surfactant: Specific to pest and crop.
Water Volume: Ground - 10 US gal/ac (100 L/ha) Air - 3 US gal/ac (30 L/ha).
Rainfastness: Once dry on the leaf surface. Do not apply if rain is imminent in forecast.
Mixing Instructions: Please check with the label for complete mixing instructions based on crop and application.
Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo and Pounce are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
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