Authority® 480 herbicide / West is now registered for use on wheat.
Quick Facts
- Controls your toughest, yield-robbing broadleaf weeds.
- Apply pre-plant or pre-emergence to control weeds early and gain extra yield.
- Group 14 mode of action for managing weed resistance.
- Soil applied.
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Product Overview
Authority 480 herbicide is a powerful, flexible pre-emergent Group 14 herbicide that provides extended activity on challenging weeds like kochia, redroot pigweed, lamb’s-quarters, wild buckwheat and cleavers. Authority 480 herbicide can be tank-mixed with glyphosate.
As a Group 14, Authority 480 herbicide is active on the following resistant weeds: redroot pigweed (Groups 2 and 5), lamb’s-quarters (Group 2), cleavers (Groups 2 and 4), kochia (Groups 2, 4, 5 and 9) and wild buckwheat (Group 2).
One small case of Authority 480 herbicide treats 128 acres to 172 acres, with a convenient liquid formulation, compared to 80 acres for one large tote of competitive granular herbicide.
Check out the most common crops this product is used on and the pests it fights against.

Target Control For Chickpea
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers*
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Eastern black nightshade
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Large crabgrass
- Powell pigweed
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle*
- Smooth crabgrass
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Yellow woodsorrel

Field Peas
Target Control For Field Peas
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers*
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Eastern black nightshade
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Large crabgrass
- Powell pigweed
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle*
- Smooth crabgrass
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Yellow woodsorrel

Target Control For Flax
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers*
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Eastern black nightshade
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Large crabgrass
- Powell pigweed
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle*
- Smooth crabgrass
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Yellow woodsorrel

Target Control For Soybeans
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers*
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Eastern black nightshade
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Large crabgrass
- Powell pigweed
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle*
- Smooth crabgrass
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Yellow woodsorrel

Faba Bean
Target Control For Faba Bean
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers*
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Eastern black nightshade
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Large crabgrass
- Powell pigweed
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle*
- Smooth crabgrass
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Yellow woodsorrel

Target Control For Wheat
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cleavers*
- Common groundsel
- Common purslane
- Eastern black nightshade
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Smooth crabgrass
- Powell pigweed
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle*
- Large crabgrass
- Waterhemp
- Wild buckwheat
- Yellow woodsorrel
Full crop listing
- Chickpea
- Field Peas
- Flax
- Soybeans
- Faba Bean
- Sunflower
- Tame Mustard
- Asparagus
- Mint
- Strawberry
- Horseradish
- Brassica Head and Stem
- Brassica (cole) Leafy Vegetables
- Tomatoes
- Tree Nuts
- Grapes
- Apple
- Spring Wheat
- Wheat
- Durum Wheat
- Tame Mustard
- Cabbage
- Tomato (transplant only)
- Caneberries
- Bushberries
- Canary grass (12-month rotational interval)
- Oats (12-month rotational interval)
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- British Columbia
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Chemical Group: Group 14 for resistance management.
Registered and Supported Tank Mixes:
- Aim E + glyphosate
- Aim EC + MCPA amine + glyphosate (flax only)
- Glyphosate
- Enlist herbicide
- Express FX
- Express SG
- Engenia herbicide (dicamba-tolerant soybeans)
- Nu-Image herbicide (field peas only)
- Roundup Xtend herbicide with VaporGrip Technology (dicamba-tolerant soybeans)
- XtendiMax herbicide (dicamba-tolerant soybeans)
- (Consult the tank-mix partner label for specific application use directions and restrictions)
Timing: Authority 480 herbicide alone, or in recommended tank-mixed, may be applied to the soil surface as a broadcast spray prior to or after planting of the crop (no later than 3 days after seeding) but prior to weed or crop emergence.
Application Information:
- "Apply pre-plant or post-seed (up to 3 days after seeding)
- Early application (pre-plant) increases activation potential via spring showers. Post-seed application should be considered in higher disturbance situations.
- Clean out tank after using Authority 480 herbicide. When spraying Authority 480 herbicide for multiple days, at the end of each day, rinse tank with water and leave 1/3 full of water overnight.
- Do not apply Authority 480 herbicide to fields treated with products containing sulfentrazone in the previous year.
- Do not apply Authority 480 herbicide (or any other product containing sulfentrazone) to spring wheat if an application of Focus herbicide (or any other product containing pyroxasulfone) was applied in the previous fall.
- Do not apply to soils classified as coarse-textured soils.
- Do not apply in any type of soil with organic matter lower than 1.5% or greater than 6%.
- Do not use on soils with a pH of 7.8 or greater."
Rates & Packaging: 4x3.79 L jugs per case. Each 3.79 L jug treats 32 or 43 acres
Water Volume: 10 US gal/ac (100 L/ha) provides best uniform soil coverage with medium to coarse droplet sizes
Mixing Instructions: Fill spray tank one-half to two-thirds full of water. With agitator operating, add the recommended amount of ingredients using the WAMLEGS order.
Trial Data

Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
Nu-Image is a trademark of Farmer’s Business Network, Inc.
FMC, the FMC logo and Authority are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
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