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Le soya a sommeil

​​​Vous avez peut-être remarqué que le soya a un aspect un peu différent lorsque le soleil se couche. C’est parce qu’il dort.

How to manage the threat of weed resistance before it manages you

Multiple modes of action take glyphosate to the next level

Prairie farmers depend on glyphosate for pre-seed, in-crop (for glyphosate-tolerant crops), chemfallow and post-harvest herbicide applications.

Let’s Talk Kochia – What’s driving the spread of kochia?

Kochia pressure used to be limited to Southern Alberta. Not anymore. A number of factors, including a higher number of growing degree days across the Prairies, are driving the spread of kochia. Here's what you need to know about kochia -- and why increased glyphosate use isn't the answer.

Let’s Talk Kochia – A Challenging Weed by Nature

Weed populations ebb and flow over a period of years, based on a complex set of factors. Then there are weeds that are a problem year in and year out.

Kochia is not only a persistent challenge but a weed that’s expanding its footprint on the Prairies. Long-known as a fixture in the southern Prairies, kochia’s range has started to work its way north and could reach the Peace region.

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