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Cleavers in canola: Timing is everything

In the early-season race between canola and cleavers, it’s no contest. Cleavers surge ahead and, left uncontrolled, will proliferate and harm your crop.

Cleavers damage can snowball… fast

One single cleaver plant in the pre-emergence period does the damage of 100 cleaver plants in your canola just three weeks later. Get control BEFORE cleavers get out of control.

Le soya sait à quel moment de la saison il se trouve

La plupart des plantes dépendent du changement saisonnier de la durée du jour et de la nuit pour déclencher la floraison. Ainsi, celle-ci a lieu au moment optimal de l’année.

Le soya devrait se comporter davantage comme le maïs

Bonne nouvelle : Il existe un facteur qui a le potentiel d’augmenter le rendement du soya dans des proportions allant jusqu’à 36 %1! Il suffit que le soya se comporte davantage comme le maïs.

Comprendre ce qui se passe dans l’ombre

Nous savons tous que la lumière du soleil est essentielle à la croissance des plantes. Celles-ci tirent parti de l’énergie lumineuse pour transformer le dioxyde de carbone en énergie qu’elles peuvent utiliser pour leur croissance. 

Mais qu’advient-il de ce processus par temps nuageux? Quelle quantité de rendement est perdue en raison des fluctuations de la lumière?

Managing resistance means using different modes of action

When resistance is confirmed on farm, we often think only of the increased herbicide costs. There are a number of other costs growers might incur, however. These can include:

A complete solution for a clean start

Using glyphosate over and over again is asking for trouble. Layering in novel modes of action is an excellent resistance management strategy. Here's a plan to make that happen pre-seed and pre-emergent in wheat and lentils.

Yes, you can manage kochia. Here’s how.

A weed scientist looked at managing kochia through the span of a four-year crop rotation. Learn the chemical and cultural practices that can manage the worst impacts of this weed and help contain its spread.

Don’t lose yield and quality to wheat midge

Wheat midge is sneaky. Sometimes damage from wheat midge gets blamed on frost damage or drought stress. Don’t be fooled. Read how to scout and count wheat midge and protect your crop’s grade and yield against this nasty pest.

Controlling mid-season insects in canola – Berthas, diamondbacks and grasshoppers

Controlling three of the worst yield-robbing insects takes vigilance. Listen to reports from monitoring networks, scout fields, and do a timely application of an effective insecticide when economic thresholds are reached.

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