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Group 2 , 9

Express® SG herbicide / West / Fall

You know how important a post-harvest burnoff is to manage tough perennial and biennial weeds. Express® SG herbicide enhances the activity of glyphosate on tough biennial and perennial weeds.  By adding Express SG to your post-harvest burnoff you also add an additional mode-of-action to battle resistance. To amp up your battle against weed resistance Express SG can also be mixed with both Aim® EC herbicide and Authority® 480 herbicide.

Quick Facts

  • Improved control on perennial and biennial weeds versus glyphosate alone. 
  • Maximum cropping flexibility the following spring
  • Powerful systemic activity to control the root of your weed problem
  • Can be tank-mixed with any glyphosate
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ACE Program Details

Product Overview

In the fall, weeds actively move nutrients to their roots to help them overwinter. The powerful systemic action of Express SG herbicide moves with these nutrients, giving you complete control from the fall into the spring.  Don't wait for the unpredictable spring to clean up your fields.

And, for high-value crops like canola and pulses, with Express SG herbicide, you can control the weeds in the fall you can’t manage with in-crop herbicides.

Express SG herbicide must be tank-mixed with glyphosate, though optional tank-mixes with Aim EC herbicide and Authority 480 herbicide are additional options to further improve weed control and battle weed resistance.

Express SG herbicide's outstanding recropping flexibility means that you can seed a variety of crops including canola, peas, lentils and soybean crop next spring, or seed winter wheat 24 hours after fall application.

Powered by Solumax® Soluble Granules, Express will dissolve into solution (not suspension) for easy cleanout and efficient plant absorption for consistent weed control.


Full crop listing

  • Wheat
  • Oats
  • Chickpea
  • Dry Beans
  • Faba Bean
  • Field Peas
  • Lentils
  • Soybeans
  • Timothy (Seed or Forage)
  • Creeping Red Fescue (Established)
  • Spring Barley
  • Canary Seed
  • Lupin
  • Alfalfa
  • Red Clover
  • Alsike Clover
  • Smooth Bromegrass
  • Meadow Bromegrass


  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba
  • British Columbia

Product Specifications

Tech Specs

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Chemical Group: Groups 2 & 9 when tank-mixed with glyphosate.

Registered and Supported Tank Mixes: Express SG herbicide must be tank-mixed with glyphosate with or without labelled tank-mix partners, when applied before seeding.

  • Aim EC herbicide
  • Authority Supreme herbicide (field pea, soybeans)
  • Focus herbicide (spring and winter wheat, soybeans, field peas)
  • Authority 480 herbicide (faba bean, soybean, field pea, spring and durum wheat)

Application information: 6 g/ac. One (1) jug treats 80 acres.

Rates and packaging: Treats 80 acres.

Water volume: 5 gal/ac (50 L/ha).

Rainfastness: N/A

Tank mixtures: Fill spray tank one-half to two-thirds full with water. With agitator operating, add the recommended amount of ingredients using the WAMLEGS order.

Rotational intervals and crops:

Fall Application: Seed winter wheat a minimum of 24 hours after application. Next spring you can seed alfalfa, alsike clover (seed or forage production), canary seed, any cereal crop, canola, creeping red fescue, field corn, flax, lentils, meadow bromegrass, pulse crops (including dry bean, faba bean, field pea, lupin and soybean), red clover, smooth bromegrass, timothy.

Pre-seed Burnoff: 24 hours after application – can seed spring wheat, winter wheat, durum, barley, oats, alfalfa, red clover, alsike clover (seed or forage production), smooth bromegrass, meadow bromegrass, timothy, creeping red fescue, canary seed and pulse crops* (including dry bean, faba bean, field pea, lupin and soybean). Any crop may be seeded the year following a pre-seed burnoff.

Chemfallow : Allow at least 10 days after treatment before tillage. Any of the above crops can be seeded 24 hours after application. Canola, flax or lentils can be seeded two (2) months after application.

Trial Data

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