Women form a formidable driving force in agriculture in Asia, more particularly in India. In rural India, the percentage of women who depend on agriculture for their livelihood is as high as 84%. Women make up about 33% of cultivators and about 47% percent of agricultural laborers (excluding those in livestock, fisheries and various other ancillary forms of food production in the country). In 2009, 94% of the female agricultural labor force in crop cultivation were in cereal production.
Despite their dominance in the labor force, women in India still face extreme disadvantage in terms of pay, land rights, and representation in local farmer organizations. Furthermore, their lack of empowerment often results in negative externalities such as lower educational attainment for their children and poor familial health.
With the above in mind, FMC is working on a program to build capability among women in agriculture in India to empower them stand on their own feet and contribute towards nation building.