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FMC provides innovative solutions to growers with a robust Insecticides portfolio including some of the leading insect control products based on novel technologies of Rynaxypyr® and Cyazypyr® actives. Check out our Insecticide offerings, featuring innovative chemistries for a superior control.

Our portfolio of herbicides offers novel pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides that will give you a broad spectrum weed control and help you control the most resistant and tough to kill weeds such as broadleaves, grasses and sedges, in a wide variety of crops.

FMC's offerings of fungicides offers highly effective molecules against the most critical diseases such as Sheath Blight in Rice and Oomycetes & Ascomycetes diseases in fruit & vegetables. We focus on delivering products that are novel and offer sustainable solutions to our customers and the community.

Crop Nutrition
Crops need nutrients for satisfactory growth & quality harvest. The optimum balance of each and every nutrient is key to Integrated Nutrient Management (INM). Micronutrients and Plant Growth regulators are key to Crop Nutrition Categories at FMC, that help deliver best in class formulations to farmers for a bountiful harvest.

Bio Solutions
The biological resource is key to address crop productivity challenges. Natural extracts, acid based bio-stimulants, microbial strains, bacteria, fungi etc. are the future of Bio Solutions at FMC. A strong pipeline of Bio-solutions gives us a cutting edge in times to come.

Seed Treatment
A prosperous season starts with healthy seeds. Seed Treatment act as a shield towards pest & disease infestation in the earlier stages.