Quick Facts
- The anti-Gibberellin activity of Lagan® crop nutrition helps regulate plant growth.
- Formulation excellence makes Lagan® crop nutrition more effective compared to other products.
- Lagan® crop nutrition helps increase the chlorophyll content in leaves.
- Lagan® crop nutrition assists in increasing flowering, boosting production.
- Lagan® crop nutrition promotes early fruit maturity and early flowering.
- Lagan® crop nutrition aids in the growth of fruits with improved color and size.
- Lagan® crop nutrition helps develop plant tolerance against abiotic stress.
Supporting Documents
Product Overview
Lagan® crop nutrition acts as an anti-gibberellin formulation. Lagan is a systemic plant growth regulator that suppresses gibberellin production, thereby promoting flowering and fruiting in plants. It also helps control vegetative growth, enhances reproductive growth, and helps overcome alternate bearing and irregular bearing in mango trees.





Always refer to the product label for an official listing of crops, target pests, directions for use, restrictions and precautions. For desired results, carefully read the instructions given and follow.
Since the usage of this product is beyond our control, we do not give any assurance except the uniform quality of product.
Full crop listing
- Mango
- Cotton
- Groundnut
- Pomegranate
- Apple