Quick Facts
- Provides extended control, including translaminar movement.
- Fast acting - target pests stop feeding within minutes of ingestion, resulting in nearly immediate crop protection.
- Rynaxypyr® active comes from a novel group of chemistry with no cross resistance to other chemistries.
- Controls hatching insects all the way through to adult stages of development.
- Easy on bees and beneficials.
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Product Overview
Coragen insecticide is an innovative product providing broad spectrum, extended control of many pests, including Western bean cutworm, grasshoppers, moths, and midges. These and other pests are controlled through a novel mode of action – the activation of insect ryanodine receptors (RyRs) – that attacks muscle function and stops insects from feeding in as little as seven minutes.
Coragen insecticide can be used on a wide variety of crops, has a short (12 hour) reentry period, with minimal impact on beneficial insects and pollinators. It's also very tank stable, mixable, and can be applied in a wide range of temperatures (between 4°C and 40°C).
Its effective control, coupled with a unique environmental and toxicological profile, makes Coragen insecticide a sound crop protection choice.

Target Control For Corn
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Armyworm
- Beet armyworm
- Black cutworm
- Corn earworm
- Tomato fruitworm
- European corn borer
- Fall armyworm
- Variegated cutworm
- Western bean cutworm

Dry Beans
Target Control For Dry Beans
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Grasshoppers
- Cabbage looper
- Cutworms (army, black, dark-sided, pale western, red-backed, white, variegated)
- Armyworm
- Fall armyworm
- Beet armyworm
- Corn earworm
- European corn borer
- Western bean cutworm
Full crop listing
- Field corn
- Corn (Sweet)
- Popcorn
- Dry Beans
- Cereals
- Cucurbit Vegetable
- Fruiting Vegetable
- Hops
- Leafy Vegetables
- Legume Vegetable
- Mint
- Non-Grass Animal Feeds (Forage, Fodder, Straw, Hay)
- Root Vegetables
- Cucumber (Greenhouse)
- Pepper
- Tomatoes
- Seed Corn
- Brassica Vegetables
- Green Onion
- Oilseeds
- Eggplant
- Fodder
- Forage Grass
- Hay
- Tuber Vegetables
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Tank Mixing: Very stable in the tank and very tank-mixable. Refer to product label for tank-mixing instructions and to Tank-Mixing Policy for Supported Tank-Mixes.
Temperature: Can be applied in a wide range of temperatures (between 4°C and 40°C).
Packaging: 4 x 3.79 L jugs/case
Rainfast: 1 hour
Water Volume: 10 gal/ac (100 L/ha)
Re-entry Period: 12 hours
Aerial application: 5 gal/ac (50 L/ha) for cereals, corn, legume vegetables (beans, lupine, fava bean, chickpeas, lentils, peas), sugar beets, oilseeds and potatoes.
Trial Data

Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo, Coragen and Rynaxypyr are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
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