Quick Facts
- A unique combination of actives in one product providing comprehensive broadleaf and grassy weed control
- Concentrated liquid formulation
- Multiple modes of action for resistance management.
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Product Overview
Plan for a clean start next season by applying Focus herbicide in the fall to get control of emerged weeds like kochia, lamb's quarters, stinkweed, wild mustard and extended activity on kochia, wild oats, foxtail barley, wild mustard, wild buckwheat, and cleavers.
Focus herbicide provides extended control of a broad range of grassy and broadleaf weeds, helping create a weed-free period for your crop to thrive at a critical point in the growing season. The early-season weed control also gives you more time to complete your in-crop applications in other crops so you can focus on keeping your lentils, wheat, soybean and field corn weed-free next spring.
Plus, Focus herbicide doesn’t bind to crop residues on the soil surface and can be tank-mixed with glyphosate for faster burnoff of emerged weeds. By combining modes of action from Groups 14 and 15, Focus herbicide gives growers an effective way to control weeds resistant to other modes of action, and also avoid the buildup of future weed resistance.

Spring Wheat
Target Control For Spring Wheat
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Redroot pigweed
- Green pigweed
- Cleavers
- Waterhemp
- Velvetleaf
- Wormseed mustard
- Green foxtail
- Yellow foxtail
- Barnyard grass
- Downy brome
- Italian ryegrass
- Large crabgrass
- Wild oats
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Foxtail barley
- Stinkweed
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard

Winter Wheat
Target Control For Winter Wheat
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Redroot pigweed
- Green pigweed
- Cleavers
- Waterhemp
- Velvetleaf
- Wormseed mustard
- Green foxtail
- Yellow foxtail
- Barnyard grass
- Downy brome
- Italian ryegrass
- Large crabgrass
- Wild oats
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Foxtail barley
- Stinkweed
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard

Target Control For Lentils
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Redroot pigweed
- Green pigweed
- Waterhemp
- Velvetleaf
- Wormseed mustard
- Green foxtail
- Yellow foxtail
- Barnyard grass
- Downy brome
- Italian ryegrass
- Large crabgrass
- Wild oats
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Foxtail barley
- Stinkweed
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard

Corn (Field)
Target Control For Corn (Field)
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Redroot pigweed
- Green pigweed
- Cleavers
- Waterhemp
- Velvetleaf
- Wormseed mustard
- Green foxtail
- Yellow foxtail
- Barnyard grass
- Downy brome
- Italian ryegrass
- Large crabgrass
- Wild oats
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Foxtail barley
- Stinkweed
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard

Target Control For Soybeans
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Redroot pigweed
- Green pigweed
- Cleavers
- Waterhemp
- Velvetleaf
- Wormseed mustard
- Green foxtail
- Yellow foxtail
- Barnyard grass
- Downy brome
- Italian ryegrass
- Large crabgrass
- Wild oats
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Foxtail barley
- Stinkweed
- Kochia
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
Full crop listing
- Corn (Field)
- Soybeans
- Spring Wheat
- Winter Wheat
- Lentils
- Field Peas
- Sunflower
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- British Columbia
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Chemical Group: Groups 14 & 15.
Registered and Supported Tank Mixes:
- Glyphosate, 2, 4-D Ester (spring and winter wheat, except durum)
- Engenia herbicide
- Express SG herbicide (soybean, spring (except durum) and winter wheat, field peas)
- Express FX herbicide (spring (except durum) and winter wheat)
- Intruvix herbicide
- Roundup Xtend
- XtendiMaX
Timing: Focus herbicide may be applied with glyphosate in the fall to control labeled emerged weeds. A fall application of Focus herbicide will also provide early-season control or suppression of labelled weeds the following spring. Focus herbicide should be applied to the stubble or soil surface and allow moisture from rainfall or snow to move the product into the soil. Do not mechanically incorporate in the fall or spring as this can destroy the herbicide barrier and allow weeds to escape. Do not apply to frozen soils or existing snow cover to prevent Focus herbicide runoff.
Application Information:
- Apply pre-plant or post-seed (up to 3 days after seeding)
- Early application (pre-plant) increases activation potential via spring showers. Post-seed application should be considered in higher disturbance situations.
- Apply at 33 or 40 ac/jug, based on soil characteristics
- Apply with or without glyphosate. Apply with glyphosate if weeds are emerged and actively growing.
- Apply only once per 12-month period.
- Do not apply Authority Supreme herbicide (or any other product containing pyroxasulfone) in the spring to fields that were treated with applications of Focus herbicide (or any other product containing pyroxasulfone) during the previous fall. DO NOT follow a fall application of Focus herbicide (or any other product containing pyroxasulfone) with a spring application of Authority 480 herbicide (or any other product containing sulfentrazone) to fields where wheat will be planted. Focus herbicide control weeds germinating within the soil barrier.
Rates and Packaging: 4 x 4.5 L jugs per case. Ech 4.5 L jug treats 33 acres / jug at 136 mL/ac (336 mL/ha) or 40 acres/jug at 113 mL/ac (280mL/ha).
Surfactant: Not needed when mixed with glyphosate.
Water Volume: 10 gal/ac (100 L/ha)
Mixing Instructions: Fill spray tank one-half to two-thirds full of water. With agitator operating, add the recommended amount of ingredients using the WAMLEGS order.
Rainfastness: N/A
Crop rotation:
Rotational Crop |
Replant Interval (Months) |
Immediately |
Corn (field), lentils, soybeans, wheat (spring and winter, excluding durum) |
12 months |
Chickpeas, field peas, flax, safflower, sunflower, barley, canola, mustard, oats, durum wheat |
24 months |
Sugar beets |
Trial Data

Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo and Focus are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
© 2022 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 85150 - 07/22
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