Quick Facts
- The Altacor® MaX concentrated formulation comes in a 510 gram jug that treats…9 – 17 acres at the most common application rates
- Lower volumes, smaller warehouse footprint, less plastic and less packaging to handle
- Rynaxypyr® active comes from a group of chemistry with no known cross resistance to other chemistries
- Consistent residual activity as an ovicide, ovi-larvicide, and larvicide through to adult stages
- Very low use rates
- Minimal impact on many important beneficial insects and pollinators*
Supporting Documents
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Product Overview
Altacor® MaX insecticide brings broad-spectrum, residual control of the pests that matter most in many fruit and nut crops. Controlling eggs all the way through to adult pest stages, just a small amount of product can effectively control targeted pests by affecting muscle function.
When it comes to resistance management, it's important that foliar applications of Altacor® MaX insecticide ARE NOT made less than 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application, or planting of seed, or seed pieces treated with any Group 28 insecticide.

Target Control For Caneberries
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Raspberry caneborer
- Raspberry crown borer

Target Control For Cranberries
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cranberry fruitworm
- Sparganothis fruitworm
- Black headed fire worm

Target Control For Bushberries
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cranberry fruitworm
- Obliquebanded leafroller
- Lesser appleworm
- Japanese beetle
- Cherry fruitworm
- Three-lined leafroller
- Redstriped fireworm
- Blueberry spanworm

Pome Fruits
Target Control For Pome Fruits
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Codling moth
- Oriental fruit moth
- Tentiform leafminer
- European apple sawfly
- Green fruitworm
- Eyespotted bud moth
- Obliquebanded leafroller
- Tufted apple bud moth
- Apple maggot
- White apple leafhopper
- Japanese beetle
- Dogwood borer
- Variegated leafroller
- Apple clearwing moth

Stone Fruit
Target Control For Stone Fruit
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Peach twig borer
- Cherry fruit fly
- Obliquebanded leafroller
- Japanese beetle

Target Control For Grapes
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Grape berry moth
- Japanese beetle
- Climbing cutworm
Full crop listing
- Almonds
- Pome Fruits
- Stone Fruit
- Berries
- Apple
- Caneberries
- Bushberries
- Cranberries
- Grapes
- Tree Nuts
- Low Growing Berries
- Pear
- Blueberry
- Strawberry
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- British Columbia
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Tank Mixing: Stable in the tank and very tank-mixable. Refer to product label for tank-mixing instructions.
Temperature: Can be applied in a wide range of temperatures (between 10°C and 31°C).
Packaging: 8 x 510 gram jugs per case
Re-entry Period: 12 hours
Application Information: Apply in minimum 50 gal/ac (450 L/Ha) spray volume.
Consult product guide for crop and target-pest specifications.
Application Rate: Rates vary depending on crop and targeted pest(s). Consult product guide for crop and target- pest specifications.
*When applied at label rates. In line with Integrated Pest Management and Good Agricultural Practices, insecticide applications should be made when pollinators are not foraging to avoid unnecessary exposure.
Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo, Altacor and Rynaxypyr are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
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