Quick Facts
- Supports a weed-free start to the growing season
- Powerful systemic activity to control the root of your weed problem
- Fall or spring application keeps your options open with flexible recropping
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Product Overview
Out-of-crop weed control can be one of your most important strategies in managing difficult weeds. Express SG herbicide provides enhanced control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds by getting right to the root of your toughest weed problems and it delivers the performance you can’t get by simply applying more glyphosate.
Using an add-in with glyphosate is more important than ever and many studies have indicated that mixing herbicide groups is one of the most effective and sustainable ways to manage herbicide weed resistance.

Winter Wheat
Target Control For Winter Wheat
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Canada fleabane
- Common ragweed
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant)
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
- Cow cockle
- Wild buckwheat
- Scentless chamomile*
- Canada thistle*

Target Control For Barley
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Canada fleabane
- Common ragweed
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant)
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
- Cow cockle
- Wild buckwheat
- Scentless chamomile*
- Canada thistle*

Target Control For Oats
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Canada fleabane
- Common ragweed
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant)
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
- Cow cockle
- Wild buckwheat
- Scentless chamomile*
- Canada thistle*

Target Control For Soybeans
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Canada fleabane
- Common ragweed
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant)
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
- Cow cockle
- Wild buckwheat
- Scentless chamomile*
- Canada thistle*

Target Control For Alfalfa
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Canada fleabane
- Common ragweed
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant)
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
- Cow cockle
- Wild buckwheat
- Scentless chamomile*
- Canada thistle*

Dry Beans
Target Control For Dry Beans
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Canada fleabane
- Common ragweed
- Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
- Dandelion
- Downy brome
- Flixweed
- Foxtail (giant, green)
- Hemp-nettle
- Kochia
- Lady's-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant)
- Volunteer flax
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild oats
- Cow cockle
- Wild buckwheat
- Scentless chamomile*
- Canada thistle*
Full crop listing
- Wheat
- Oats
- Chickpea
- Dry Beans
- Faba Bean
- Field Peas
- Lentils
- Soybeans
- Timothy (Seed or Forage)
- Creeping Red Fescue (Established)
- Alfalfa
- Spring Barley
- Canary Seed
- Lupin
- Red Clover
- Alsike Clover
- Smooth Bromegrass
- Meadow Bromegrass
- British Columbia
- New Brunswick
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Prince Edward Island
- Quebec
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Registered and Supported Tank Mixes: Express SG herbicide must be tank-mixed with glyphosate.
Crop Rotation:
Pre-seed Burndown: 24 hours after application, can seed spring wheat, winter wheat, durum, barley, oats, alfalfa, red clover, alsike clover (seed or forage production), smooth bromegrass, meadow bromegrass, timothy, creeping red fescue, canary seed and pulse crops* (including dry bean, faba bean, field pea, lupin and soybean). Any crop may be seeded the year following a pre-seed burndown.
Chemfallow: Allow at least 10 days after treatment before tillage. Any of the above crops can be seeded 24 hours after application. Two (2) months after application, you can also seed canola, flax or lentils.
Fall Application: Seed winter wheat a minimum of 24 hours after application. Next spring you can seed any cereal crop, canola, flax, lentils, canary seed, field corn, alfalfa or pulse crops (including dry bean, faba bean, field pea, lupin and soybean).
Application Information: Rates and Packaging: 6 g/ac. One (1) 243 gram jug treats 40 acres.
Water Volume: 22 L/ac (5 imp. g/L).
Mixing Instructions:
- Start with a clean empty sprayer. Ensure sprayer is equipped with 50 mesh screens or filters.
- Fill sprayer tank 1/2 full with clean water.
- With agitator running, add the FMC products according to their formulation as shown below in the WAMLEGS chart. Add the products slowly. Ensure agitation reaches all parts of the tank.
- If using a mix & fill tank, add the FMC product to as large a volume of water as possible in a chemical handler.
- Add product to tank and agitate for 10 minutes
- Proceed with adding additional products as per the WAMLEGS chart and water while maintaining agitation. Ensure each product is agitated sufficiently, before proceeding to the next tank mix partner.
- For repeat tank loads, start off with an empty tank or ensure spray solution is reduced to 10% or less, of the original volume.
- (Recommended) For the last load of the day, add 10 L of household ammonia (containing at least 3% ammonia) to the tank heel PRIOR to the addition of the FMC product, water and glyphosate. Follow steps 2 through 6.
- (Recommended) When spraying an FMC product, for multiple days in a row it is important, at the end of each day to fill the sprayer with water, overnight, to prevent any film from developing on the tank walls.
Trial Data

Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo and Express are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
© 2020 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 64603 - 02/20
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