Quick Facts
- For use in canola, brown mustard, oriental mustard, sunflowers.
- Controls wild mustard.
- Can be tank mixed with Assure II and Poast to strengthen control on key grass and broadleaf weeds
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Product Overview
Muster Toss-n-Go herbicide is an ALS inhibitor herbicide that rapidly inhibits the growth of susceptible weeds. These include flixweed, green smartweed, hemp-nettle, redroot pigweed, stinkweed, and wild mustard. Muster should be applied early in the season when weeds are actively growing.

Tame Mustard
Target Control For Tame Mustard
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Flixweed
- Smartweed (Lady's-thumb)
- Hemp-nettle
- Wild mustard
- Stinkweed
- Redroot pigweed

Target Control For Canola
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Flixweed
- Smartweed (Lady's-thumb)
- Hemp-nettle
- Wild mustard
- Stinkweed
- Redroot pigweed

Target Control For Sunflower
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Flixweed
- Smartweed (Lady's-thumb)
- Hemp-nettle
- Wild mustard
- Stinkweed
- Redroot pigweed
Full crop listing
- Canola
- Tame Mustard
- Sunflower
- Mustard
- Brassica carinata
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- British Columbia
Product Specifications
Tech Specs
Chemical Group: Group 2
Registered and Supported Tank Mixes:
For grass and broadleaf control in canola only, tank-mix Assure II, Poast Ultra or Lontrel.
- Canola: 2-leaf stage up to the initiation of bolting and before crop canopy closure.
- Brown and oriental mustard, brassica carinata: 4-leaf to late rosette stage.
- Sunflower: 2-leaf to 8-leaf stage.
- Weeds: Apply early when weeds are actively growing"
Application information:
Crop | Staging | Rates |
Canloa, including rapeseed | 2 leaf to beginning of bolting | 8 g/ac or 12 g/ac |
Brown condiment mustard oriental mustard | 4 leaf to late rosette stage | 8 g/ac or 12 g/ac |
Sunflower | 2 - 8 leaf stage (14 - 45 cm in height) | 8 g/ac or 12 g/ac |
Surfactant: Must use a surfactant with Muster herbicide. Use Agral 90, or AgSurf, or Super Spreader. Caution: Application prior to the 2-leaf stage of canola or 4-leaf strage of brown condiment mustard and oriental mustard (condiment and oilseed types), or to sandy soil or low soil organic matter may increase the severity of injury.
Rainfastness: N/A
Tank mixtures: Fill spray tank one-half to two-thirds full with water. With agitator operating, add the recommended amount of ingredients using the WAMLEGS order.
Rotational intervals and crops:
Ten (10) months: Spring wheat, durum, barley, oats, flax.
Twenty-two (22) months: Alfalfa, canary grass, canola, dry beans, faba beans, fescue, lentils, peas, red clover, tame mustard.
Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo and Muster are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. Sure-Mix is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences or an affiliate. Toss-N-Go is a trademark of DuPont. Assure is a trademark of Corteva or an affiliate.
© 2020 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 64603 - 02/20
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