Start #Plant24 With A Pre-Seed Herbicide Application
Every spring is different. Your weed control should be unique too.
No matter what weather conditions we face in the spring we know that most crops have a critical weed-free period early in its development. If weeds are present, yield is lost. Help protect your crop yield potential with a spring burnoff herbicide application that happens pre-seed or pre-emergence to the crop.
Your spring burnoff is critical. So, when it comes time to choose your pre-seed herbicide, be precise. Choose a PrecisionPac® herbicide and the power to customize your weed control.
PrecisionPac® burnoff herbicides control emerged weeds so you can begin seeding into a clean slate. A spring burnoff is a great way to handle those tough winter annuals and biennials that have germinated early.
Customized pre-seed weed control
Your revolutionary PrecisionPac® custom herbicide blend comes in a package that is sized perfectly for your field or sprayer tank. Each PrecisionPac custom blend has the exact prescribed rates and ratios.
Pick length of herbicide activity
With PrecisionPac® herbicides, you can choose from multiple modes of action including pre-seed blends for many weed combinations. You can choose whether you want burnoff weed control, extended weed control, or the complete solution to keep your crop clean through the critical weed-free period.
Multiple modes of action
There are 21 custom PrecisionPac® blends in total, with seven of these blends labeled for pre-seed and/or pre-emergent application timing. All of them provide multiple modes of action, making it easier to manage weed resistance issues in your fields. You can get a PrecisionPac® herbicide blend sized for a particular field too, so you can target weed pressure in different areas with a unique blend.
Easy to use
Simply packaged, low-volume PrecisionPac® granular herbicides are dispensed into bags that can be labeled with a unique field name or number. And most custom blends are formulated with patented Solumax® soluble granules that dissolve into solution. This makes sprayer clean-out easier and more efficient with less waste. It couldn’t be simpler.
Right product, right rate, right acre
PrecisionPac® herbicides are sized perfectly to your field or sprayer. You get your pre-seed herbicides in a unique blend in a package that matches perfectly with your weed pressure and field or sprayer size.
Hit your weed challenges with the right PrecisionPac® herbicide for the weed pressure you’re facing.
A deeper dive into PrecisionPac® herbicides

Yes, you can manage kochia. Here’s how.
A weed scientist looked at managing kochia through the span of a four-year crop rotation. Learn the chemical and cultural practices that can manage the worst impacts of this weed and help contain its spread.
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Embrace herbicide customization
Weed control is critical to maximizing yield and quality and to reduce the risk of herbicide resistance. Learn how to customize your weed control to get multiple modes of action that hit the weed spectrum in your field with an amount of product perfectly sized for your field or sprayer.
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Managing resistance means using different modes of action - PPAC
Weed resistance to herbicides has been a reality for a long time. The discovery of glyphosate-resistant kochia biotypes is spreading rapidly across Western Canada. Get ahead in your resistance management by using multiple modes of action and by practicing herbicide layering.
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Taking charge of kochia and cleavers in wheat - PPAC
Kochia is spreading quickly, including biotypes that are resistant to multiple herbicide groups. Cleavers are on the rise too through the dark brown, black and grey wooded soil zones. A well-timed early season control can make an enormous difference in controlling both of these weeds.
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Fmc burnoff herbicide products
Spring burnoff is a herbicide application that happens pre-seed or pre-emergence to the crop. A proper burnoff application controls emerged weeds so you can begin seeding into a clean slate. A PrecisionPac® spring burnoff is a great way to handle those tough winter annuals and biennials that have germinated early.
FMC Burnoff Herbicide Products (CLICK TO VIEW)
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This new blend provides quick burnoff of hard-to-control weeds including glyphosate-resistant biotypes. This Group 14 herbicide has a low volume rate for protection in a broad range of crops with multiple rate and tank-mix options. For more information, check out the label and/or technical brochure.
NEW! PrecisionPac® DB-878 PRO herbicide
A new, customized blend that can be sprayed ahead of wheat (spring, durum, or winter) and barley. Get trusted kochia control without sacrificing extended control on cleavers, dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, or volunteer canola.
PrecisionPac® DB-878 herbicide
Customized weed control in wheat (spring, durum or winter), spring barley and oats. Built-in multiple modes of action make PrecisionPac® DB-878 herbicide an excellent resistance management tool for pre-seed control of key broadleaf weeds like kochia, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, dandelion and wild buckwheat.
PrecisionPac® NC-0050 herbicide
Customized, hard-hitting burnoff weed control with maximum cropping flexibility. Give glyphosate a boost with systemic activity that gets right to the root of your toughest weed problems. Seed a wide variety of crops 24 hours after application.
PrecisionPac® NC-00439 herbicide
Customized, extended control of key broadleaf weeds including cleavers, dandelion, narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard and volunteer canola. Apply up to 24 hours prior to seeding wheat (spring, durum, winter) or spring barley. Delivers up to 15 days of extended control when tank-mixed with glyphosate.
Extended weed control
Improve your early season weed management with a product that protects the crop’s critical weed-free period. Products with extended weed control help manage weed pressure as the crop becomes established. PrecisionPac® extended weed control products create a soil-barrier once the herbicide goes into a solution with an activation rain or moisture event. This soil-barrier provides control of later weed flushes, reducing weed competition during that critical time.
FMC Extended Weed Control Products (CLICK TO VIEW)
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PrecisionPac® SZ-75 herbicide
Best-in-class, customized control of kochia, including Group 2, 4, and 9 resistant biotypes. Flexible pre-emergent Group 14 herbicide for soybeans field peas, chickpeas and wheat (spring and durum). For more information, check out the label and/or technical brochure.
PrecisionPac® SZ-0050 herbicide
A complete solution product which offers burnoff plus extended control of critical weeds. Our first combination of group 2 and group 14 actives provides control key driver weeds like kochia, Russian thistle, narrow-leaved hawk's beard and Russian thistle. Apply SZ-0050 preseed to your field peas, soybeans, and spring wheat (including durum). For more information, check out the label and/or technical brochure.