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Turning research knowledge into actionable steps to protect your soybeans

The world likes Canadian soybeans and Western Canada is an important part of that story.

Over the past 20 years, soybeans have gone from a small crop in Manitoba to the million-acre mark in 2022. In 2017, 2.3 million acres of soybeans were grown in Manitoba. That was a high-water mark when 850,000 acres even spilled over into Saskatchewan.

Part of the growth in production over the past 30 years is due to high-yielding seed genetics that are protected by increasingly sophisticated crop protection tools. However, a changing weed spectrum, new insects, and intensifying disease pressure means that high yields and top-quality grades are never guaranteed.

Let our team of crop scientists sift through the latest research so you can keep your investment safe. Our sole mission is to protect your crop whether it's herbicide-tolerant or IP soybeans. We're testing new products, crunching data, and analyzing on-farm, real-world experience from producers to fine-tune recommendations so that your soybeans reach their full yield potential.

Explore the articles below and please contact us if you have any more questions about protecting your soybeans or maximizing your crop's potential. The FMC AgHotline is always open at 1-833-362-7722, or


Weeds collage

Take charge of weed control this season with Authority Strike™ herbicide

Weeds compete with crops for moisture, nutrients, and sunlight, making early and effective control essential for strong yields. Authority Strike™ herbicide offers a powerful pre-seed solution with fast-acting burnoff and extended soil-applied control, helping farmers manage tough weeds like kochia, cleavers, and wild buckwheat while reducing herbicide resistance risks.

La gestion de la résistance implique l’utilisation de différents modes d’action

Weed resistance to herbicides has been a reality for a long time. The discovery of glyphosate-resistant kochia biotypes is spreading rapidly across Western Canada. Get ahead in your resistance management by using multiple modes of action and by practicing herbicide layering.

Soybean field

Residual herbicide activity keeps IP soybeans weed free

There's a critical weed-free period in soybeans. If you can keep the crop clean until the V3 stage, you'll go a long way to protecting yield. Read how to protect your soybeans early on.

Remove weeds early for higher yielding soybeans

Éliminer la concurrence précoce des mauvaises herbes dans le soya

Although soybeans are quite adaptable, research is showing that they are very sensitive to early season weed competition and need all the help they can get until the plants are large enough to crowd out competition.

Grassy weed article

Three Effective Tools to Combat Resistant Grassy Weeds

The number of grassy weeds resistant to in-crop herbicides is increasing. Dr. Breanne Tidemann, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lacombe, AB, presented some sobering statistics during the FMC Pre-School webinar, AGRC*104: Grassy Weeds in the Prairies: The Pests, the Problems, the Plans.
Russian Thistle

Managing Herbicide-Resistant Russian Thistle

Like its cousin kochia, Russian thistle is an annual weed that is highly adaptable to hot, dry conditions. It grows rapidly with its red-striped stems growing over one metre high with its extensive root system reaching almost two metres down.

Everything in Order: Tips for mixing herbicides in the right order

To be sure you are getting the most effective results from your herbicide investment requires paying close attention to the order you add products to your spray tank. A good rule of thumb is using the WAMLEGS method as follows:

Pre-Seed Herbicide Solutions for Soybeans

Authority Supreme Herbicide logo

Extended activity from both the Group 14 and 15 actives provides protection against grassy and broadleaf weeds in soybeans, chickpea, sunflowers and field peas.