Lentils Insight
Western Canada
Calling lentils a “management-intensive" crop is an understatement. Lentils are known for folding under the pressure of disease and weed competition.
Lentils pose a season-long agronomic challenge. It’s crucial to start the crop off on the right foot early in the season to give a fighting chance against bad weather, weed competition and other issues the crop might face later in the season.
It’s especially important to manage weed pressure in this notoriously uncompetitive crop. Producing high yields in lentils requires a long-term weed control strategy across your entire crop rotation.
One of the worst yield-reducing culprits in lentils is kochia. It starts growing in the spring and can produce multiple flushes throughout the season. The result of these flushes is a poor quality sample due to increased moisture levels in the crop, not to mention mechanical harvest issues.
The Alberta Pulse Growers Association recommends controlling weeds early, as lentils are such poor competitors against weeds and in-crop herbicide options are limited by both mode of action and efficacy. Weeds can cause up to 40% yield loss in lentils. A pre-seed herbicide application creates a weed-free period for lentils at a critical point in the growing season.
Use the following strategies to help keep your lentils clean during the critical weed-free period:
Weeds are difficult to manage in lentils but our team of weed specialists is committed to seeing lentil production continue to grow in Western Canada. See below for the latest research to help you produce a higher yielding crop.
Lentils need all the help they can get. Use these adaptive weed control strategies to get your crop through the long weed-free period that is necessary to achieve full yield potential.
Lentils are a poor competitor when it comes to weeds. To win at lentils, you need a whole farm weed management strategy. Learn how two growers in Saskatchewan manage their crops to maximize yields.
With limited in-crop herbicide options, you need your pre-seed weed control in lentils operating at peak performance. Join our technical experts at a lentil plot in Swift Current, SK that compared burnoff plus extended weed control to burnoff alone.
Applied with or without glyphosate, Focus herbicide gives you effective pre-seed control of grassy and broadleaf weeds by creating a soil-based barrier that weeds can’t get past.
Weed resistance to herbicides has been a reality for a long time. The discovery of glyphosate-resistant kochia biotypes is spreading rapidly across Western Canada. Get ahead in your resistance management by using multiple modes of action and by practicing herbicide layering.
Growing lentils isn't easy. We break down the current best practices in our easy-to-follow Lentil Production Manual. We've summarized the latest research from top scientists and agronomists under the key areas that affect yield and quality: Seeding, fertility, weed control, disease and insect management, and harvesting. Find everything you need to grow top-quality, high-yielding lentils in this must-have reference.
Focus® herbicide delivers extended weed control with multiple modes of action to set you up for a great crop. It delivers early removal of emerged weeds when added to glyphosate followed by up to eight weeks of extended weed control of emerging weeds once activated by rain.
With Focus® herbicide, you get extended weed control on kochia1, wild buckwheat1, wild mustard1 and foxtail barley1. Plus, get extended control of downy brome, cleavers and pigweeds. The extended control protects your crop, even if your in-crop herbicide application is delayed.
Focus® herbicide, applied with or without glyphosate, should be a key component of your strategy for growing high-yielding lentils:
1 Suppression
Learn More Details about Focus® Herbicide for Pre-Seed Applications in Western Canada