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Overwatch® Herbicide successfully filling the gap in barley

Henry Coleman, of Jamestown, SA, used Overwatch® Herbicide to control weeds in the challenging barley phase of his crop rotation.

Excellent weed control seen in wheat following pulse phase

Excellent weed control seen in wheat following pulse phase

Overwatch® granules a clear winner for Wimmera grower

Justin Ruwoldt of Glenvale Farms

Overwatch® eXL Granules ideal on the Yorke Peninsula

Matt Cadd of Whitlee's Farms

Herbicide and crop rotation critical for ryegrass control

Bernie Quade, Nutrien Wyalkatchem

Granular formulation of Overwatch® performing in WA wheat belt 

Duncan Young, York, WA

Major labour saving with herbicide option at Gundagai Vineyard

Barrick Parker, of Gundagai Vineyards

Overwatch® Herbicide controlling multiple weeds in central west NSW

Overwatch® Herbicide

All tools needed for annual ryegrass control at Naracoorte

Overwatch® Herbicide

New herbicide a boom for durum wheat production

Overwatch® Herbicide

Ryegrass controlled well after challenges the previous year

Overwatch® Herbicide

Ryegrass control essential following wet years in southern NSW

Overwatch® Herbicide

Overwatch® Herbicide - part of the rotation after first year success

Overwatch® Herbicide

Overwatch® Herbicide excels as a new rotational option for Weethalle enterprise

Overwatch® Herbicide

Overwatch® Herbicide a great fit for Yorke Peninsula barley

Chris Davey on Overwatch® Herbicide

Overwatch® Herbicide success in cereals for South Australian grower

Josh Kreig on Overwatch® Herbicide

Versatile herbicide controlling ryegrass at Tooan

John Heard on Overwatch® Herbicide

Scott walker, from Quairading, in the wheatbelt region of Western Australia

Scott Walker on Overwatch® Herbicide

John Chapman of Bruce Rock, WA has introduced Overwatch® herbicide to control ryegrass and other major weed species

John Chapman on Overwatch® Herbicide

Broadleaf control prior to the legume phase is fantastic with Overwatch® Herbicide

Dean Bruce on Overwatch® Herbicide

Multiple options to control ryegrass on Minimay property

Clint Robinson on Overwatch® Herbicide

Broad spectrum weed control makes Overwatch® Herbicide a great option

Chad Pilkington on Overwatch® Herbicide

Multiple crops targeted with Overwatch® Herbicide chemistry at Bordertown,SA

Darren Pilgrim from Bordertown, SA on Overwatch®

Dylan Hirsch, of Latham, in the mid-west of WA on Overwatch® Herbicide

Dylan Hirsch, of Latham, in the mid-west of WA on Overwatch® Herbicide

It doesn’t make sense to ‘fine’ yourself

Richard Langley on On Coarse DRA®

Pre-emergent control across weed types a plus for YP agronomist

Darryn Schilling

Excellent weed control with Overwatch® Herbicide at Jamestown

Overwatch® Testimonial

Excellent ryegrass and bifora control with Overwatch® Herbicide

Overwatch® Testimonial

Timely broadleaf weed control bonus with Overwatch® Herbicide

Overwatch® Testimonial

Alternative pre-em herbicide essential for Rankin Spring property

Nick Eckermann

Pre-emergent herbicides vital for weed control in southern NSW

Terry Edis

Evolution of weeds as farmers change practices

Maurie Street

Unique chemistry a vital option in central NSW

Jim Cronin

Strategies for weed control vital for crops

Steve Todd

Weed control more challenging with rise in resistance

Glenn Shepherd

Unique herbicide a game changer for southern NSW consultant

James Madden

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