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focus on bare ground

A complete solution for a clean start

What you know: you plan to add another mode of action or two to your spring glyphosate application, because you know that’s a big step toward protecting your future glyphosate use.

What you’re wondering: should you be adding a familiar and heavily used mode of action, or one that’s a bit off the beaten path?

Take spring wheat, for example. There’s a good chance you’ll be using a Group 2 and/or Group 4 for your in-crop application. Layering in novel modes of action pre-seed/pre-emergent is an excellent resistance management strategy.

Lentils have a shortage of in-crop herbicide options. This puts more pressure on your pre-seed application because you want to start the season as close to weed-free as possible. If your lentils emerge into a weedy field, you face an uphill climb to finish with a high-yielding crop.

In both cases, spring wheat and lentils, Focus® herbicide provides a complete weed control solution and a great option for delaying herbicide resistance. In one easy-to-use product, you have broad-spectrum broadleaf and grassy weed control for enhanced pre-seed burnoff  plus extended control.

Focus® herbicide can be applied pre-seed, pre-emergence or in the fall, with or without glyphosate. Because it contains Group 14 and 15 modes of action, it’s a smart change of pace from more familiar add-in modes of action, especially those that could be needed in-crop later on in the season.

Comparison side by side image:

Focus comparison image

In spring wheat, Focus® herbicide introduces different modes of action. You can save Groups 2 and 4 for your in-crop application, giving you an effective herbicide layering strategy. In lentils, Focus® herbicide is a dependable way to start your growing season strongly, with fewer weed headaches the rest of the way.

For activation, Focus® herbicide requires at least ½ inch of moisture. Applying Focus® herbicide in the fall can achieve the necessary activation via snowmelt. This will also provide early-season control or suppression of labelled weeds the following spring.

Growers of spring wheat and lentils are especially well-served by Focus® herbicide. It provides a complete weed control solution while delivering Group 14 and 15 activity to reduce the risk of herbicide resistance.

Listen to our Real Ag interview to learn more.

Choose the right rate of Focus® herbicide

40 acres/jug

33 acres/jug

Coarse/medium soil texture (1-3 % O.M.)

Medium-fine/fine soil texture (>3 – 7% O.M.)


Flixweed, lamb’s-quarters, morning glory, Pennsylvania smartweed, pigweeds, purslane, round-leaved mallow, stinkweed, tansy mustard, waterhemp (tall and common)

All the weeds controlled at the 40-acre rate, plus: carpetweed, cleavers, cocklebur, jimsonweed, kochia, Russian thistle (up to 5cm), shepherd’s purse, volunteer canola (including glyphosate tolerant)


Annual Grasses: Annual bluegrass, barnyard grass, downy brome, foxtail barley*, giant foxtail*, green foxtail, Italian ryegrass, Japanese  brome, large crabgrass, wild oats*, yellow foxtail

Broadleaf Weeds: Cleavers, kochia*, lamb’s quarters*, pigweeds, stinkweed*, velvet leaf, waterhemp (common), wild buckwheat*, wild mustard*, wormseed mustard