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Weed-free fields in early spring significantly improve planting conditions while also reducing moisture and nutrient loss. With time in short supply, and the ever-present possibility of uncooperative weather, getting pre-seed weed control products on the ground isn't always easy. Fall herbicide application can be an effective and flexible alternative.

Addressing problem weeds later in the year, however, requires a strategy in depth – that is, one combining effective burnoff and extended activity with multiple modes of action.

Fall Herbicide Glyphosate Focus


The Focus herbicide fall advantage

Proactive weed management for an easier spring season – that’s the Focus® herbicide  fall advantage.

Focus® herbicide  controls a wide range of grassy and broadleaf weeds when applied in the spring. Applied with glyphosate in fall, it eliminates emerged winter annuals like stinkweed and wild mustard, as well as controlling wild oats the following spring.

It’s combination of Group 14 and 15 modes of action also make it a powerful resistance-prevention tool, while not compromising fast burnoff.

Focus Herbicide Fall Timing

Rotation intervals

Focus® herbicide can be applied pre-plant or up to three days after seeding winter wheat. When applied in the fall, field corn, lentils, soybeans, field peas, sunflower and spring wheat can be planted the following spring.


9 tips for maximizing success

  1. Use the right rate:

    1-3% organic matter: 40 acres/jug

    3-7% organic matter: 33 acres/jug

  2. 33 acres/jug recommended in winter wheat

  3. Apply as soil temperatures are cooling to 10C or less

  4. Apply after any heavy harrowing or tillage event

  5. Apply pre-plant/pre-emergence (up to three days after seeding winter wheat)

  6.  If higher disturbance seeding, may consider spring application post seed application

  7. Apply with or without glyphosate

  8. Apply at 10 gal/ac

  9. Apply only once per 12-month period


Fall flexibility

Flexibility is critical in any weed control strategy. Before starting the sprayer, carefully consider what weed pressure is present, the specific biology of those weeds, and how to best incorporate a winning herbicide strategy into your production program.

Applying Focus® herbicide in fall targets a time when soil temperatures are cooling to 10C or less, limiting the amount of potential microbial degradation. If even longer extended control in spring is the goal, Focus® herbicide  can be applied without glyphosate and at lower soil temperatures.


Complete control with the right rate

Focus herbicide can be applied pre-seed or up to three days after seeding winter wheat. Two different rates can be employed to better match your soil type. Activation is generally achieved after a 1/2 inch of moisture is received, whether by snow melt or rain.

For application information and a complete list of controlled weeds, visit the Focus® herbicide product page.