Faits en bref
- Early and extended control of tough to kill grassy and broadleaf weeds.
- Apply pre-seed or up to three days after seeding – with or without glyphosate.
- Dual modes of action provide a sound resistance management tool and an excellent option for herbicide layering
Documents justificatifs
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Aperçu des produits
Authority Supreme herbicide is a powerful pre-emergent tool that attacks weeds before they have a chance to harm your field pea, chickpea, and soybean crop. Its dual modes of action also help manage weed resistance, while providing effective control of a variety of broadleaf and grass weeds during a critical crop development period. Glyphosate and Aim® EC herbicide plus glyphosate can be tank-mixed for added protection.
Listen to learn more about Authority Supreme herbicide
Weed Management in Soybeans
Dr. Peter Sikkema, Professor, Field Crop Weed Management, University of Guelph, talks about his research into the impact of weed interference on soybean yields and how farmers can minimize those losses.

Pois de grande culture
SUPPRESSION CIBLÉE POUR : Pois de grande culture
Ce produit procure une suppression efficace contre les éléments suivants :
- Échinochloa pied-de-coq
- Brome (Downy, Japanese)
- Gaillet gratteron
- Séneçon vulgaire
- Pourpier potager
- Petite herbe à poux*
- Saponaire des vaches
- Crabgrass (large, smooth)
- Morelle noire de l’Est
- Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
- Kochia à balais*
- Chénopode blanc
- Palmer amaranth
- Pigweed (green, redroot, powell)
- Suppression of Russian Thistle
- Tabouret des champs
- Amarante rugueuse
- Renouée liseron*
- Moutarde des champs
- Folle avoine
- Panic capillaire
- Oxalide d’Europe

Pois chiches
Ce produit procure une suppression efficace contre les éléments suivants :
- Échinochloa pied-de-coq
- Brome (Downy, Japanese)
- Gaillet gratteron
- Séneçon vulgaire
- Pourpier potager
- Petite herbe à poux*
- Saponaire des vaches
- Crabgrass (large, smooth)
- Morelle noire de l’Est
- Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
- Kochia à balais*
- Chénopode blanc
- Palmer amaranth
- Pigweed (green, redroot, powell)
- Suppression of Russian Thistle
- Tabouret des champs
- Amarante rugueuse
- Renouée liseron*
- Moutarde des champs
- Folle avoine
- Panic capillaire
- Oxalide d’Europe

Ce produit procure une suppression efficace contre les éléments suivants :
- Échinochloa pied-de-coq
- Brome (Downy, Japanese)
- Gaillet gratteron
- Séneçon vulgaire
- Pourpier potager
- Petite herbe à poux*
- Saponaire des vaches
- Crabgrass (large, smooth)
- Morelle noire de l’Est
- Foxtail (green, yellow, giant)
- Kochia à balais*
- Chénopode blanc
- Palmer amaranth
- Pigweed (green, redroot, powell)
- Suppression of Russian Thistle
- Tabouret des champs
- Amarante rugueuse
- Renouée liseron*
- Moutarde des champs
- Folle avoine
- Panic capillaire
- Oxalide d’Europe
Liste complète des cultures
- Field Peas
- Chickpea
- Soybeans
- Sunflower
- Alberta
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- British Columbia
Spécifications du produit
Spécifications techniques
Chemical Group: Groups 14 and 15.
Registered and Supported Tank Mixes: Authority Supreme can be mixed with glyphosate products (that are registered for the same use), as well as Aim® EC herbicide plus glyphosate.
- Enlist herbicide
- Express SG, / NC 00-5- herbicide + glyphosate (soybeans and field peas only)
- Engenia herbicide (dicamba-tolerant soybeans)
- Roundup Xtend herbicide with VaporGrip Technology (dicamba-tolerant soybenas)
- XtendiMax herbicide (dicamba-tolerant soybeans)
- (Consult the tank-mix partner label for specific application use directions and restrictions. Always follow the most restrictive labels.)
Timing: Authority Supreme herbicide can be applied pre-plant or pre-emergence up to three (3) days after planting. Crop seeds must be planted a minimum of 2.5 cm deep. DO NOT apply Authority Supreme herbicide if crop has emerged. A minimum of 1/2" of rainfall and/or overhead sprinkler irrigation, at once, is necessary to move Authority Supreme herbicide into the upper soil surface where weed seeds germinate.
Application information:
- "Early application (pre-plant) increases activation potential by spring showers. Post-seed application should be considered in higher disturbance situations.
- Apply at 10 US gal/ac (100 L/ha) for maximum soil coverage, using medium to coarse droplets.
- For extended control, apply at 33 or 40 acres per jug based on timing and soil characteristics.
- Apply with or without glyphosate. Apply with glyphosate if weeds are emerged or actively growing.
- Authority Supreme herbicide to fields treatd with products containing sulfentrazone in the previous year.
- Do not apply Authority Supreme herbicide (or any product containing pyroxasulfone) if an application of Focus herbicide (or any other product containing pyroxasulfone) was applied in the previous fall."
Rates and packaging: 2 x 8 L jugs per case. Each 8 L jug treats 33 or 40 acres per jug when applied for extended control.
Surfactant: Not Required
Water volume: 10 US gal/ac provides best uniform soil coverage with medium to coarse droplet sizes
Rainfastness: N/A
Mixing Instructions: Fill spray tank one-half to two-thirds full of water. With agitator operating, add the recommended amount of ingredients using the WAMLEGS order.
Rotational intervals and crops:
Any time: Soybean, chickpeas, field peas
4 months: Winter wheat
12 months: Barley, canola, field corn, mustard, oats, spring and durum wheat, sunflowers
24 months: Lentils
36 months: Sugar beets
Données des essais

Always read and follow label instructions. Member of CropLife Canada.
FMC, the FMC logo and Aim and Authority are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate.
Commencez à recevoir des informations agronomiques localisées et en temps utile de la part de FMC.