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Groupe 29

Beleaf® 50SG insecticide / West

Turn hungry insects away with Beleaf 50SG insecticide. Its unique anti-feeding action targets piercing and sucking pests - at both immature and adult stages - to stop feeding activity within 30 minutes of application. It has added benefits too, since it fits into any rotation plan and is IPM friendly, with low impact to honey bees and many other beneficial insects.

Apply Beleaf 50SG insecticide anytime during the season for aphid control in potatoes, alfalfa and other fruit and vegetable crops.

Faits en bref

  • Translaminar movement for control on contact and ingestion.
  • Rainfast when it dries on the leaf surface.
  • Provides 14-21 days of control.
  • Low impact on many important beneficials such as honey bees and predator mites.
  • Zero PHI for vegetables and seven days for potatoes.

Étiquettes et SDS

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Aperçu des produits

Beleaf 50SG insecticide is a flexible insecticide designed to support beneficial insects while reducing problem ones. Within 30 minutes of contact or ingestion, it disrupts an insect's nervous system. This leads to an immediate inability to feed, though residual control extends from 14 to 21 days afterwards (depending on rate and pest population).

Applications can be made any time before the pre-harvest interval, in alfalfa (for seed), cucurbits, brassicas, dry beans, faba beans, fodder, forage, fruiting vegetables, hay, leafy vegetables, potatoes, pome fruit, stone fruits, and straw. Target pests include aphids and lygus bugs, including tarnished plant bugs.


Liste complète des cultures

  • Légumes à feuilles du genre Brassica
  • Légumes cucurbitacées
  • Légumes-fruits
  • Luzerne pour la production de semence
  • Houblon
  • Légumes-feuilles
  • Légumes-tubercules et légumes-cormes
  • Légumes-racines (sauf les betteraves à sucre)
  • Fruits à pépins
  • Fruits à noyau
  • Fourrage, paille et foin de plantes autres que les graminées
  • Concombres (de serre)
  • Poivrons (de serre)
  • Tomate (de serre)
  • Menthe verte
  • Menthe poivrée
  • Plantes ornementales en serre
  • Plantes ornementales d’extérieur (sauf les conifères)
  • Petits fruits de plantes naines
  • Fraises (de serre)
  • Graines vertes ou sèches de légumineuses
  • Sapin baumier et sapin Fraser, y compris les arbres de Noël


  • Alberta
  • Colombie-Britannique
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan

Spécifications du produit

Spécifications techniques

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Registered and Supported Tank-mix Options: Can be tank-mixed with other products. Please refer to tank-mix partner label for directions or limitations.

Crop Rotation: N/A

Application Information:

Applications can be made any time before the pre-harvest interval. A minimum of seven days between spray applications is required.

Packaging: 6 x 0.68 kg/case.

Surfactant: Not required.

Water Volume: Minimum 10 gal/ac (100L/ha).

Rainfastness: When dry on the leaf surface.

Mixing Instructions: Ensure the spray system is clean and free of residues from previous applications. Fill the spray tank half full with clean water. Ensure the agitation system is operating and sufficient to provide uniform spray mixing during application and until the spray tank has been emptied. Complete filling the spray tank to the desired level. Avoid overnight storage of Beleaf 50SG insecticide spray mixtures.

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