Quick Facts
- Provides a high level of residual control of annual ryegrass equal to or better than many current standards
- Will also provide long-lasting control of many other weeds including sow thistle, bifora and wireweed as well as useful suppression of many other grass and broadleaf weeds
- With a nil re-cropping interval for wheat (including durum), barley, canola, faba beans and field peas, allows greater re-cropping flexibility than many of the alternatives.
- Is compatible with a wide range of existing herbicides for enhanced weed control
- As the only registered Group 13 mode of action herbicide in the broadacre market it is an effective tool in the fight against herbicide resistance.
Product specification
- Active constituent: 400 g/L Bixlozone
- Formulation type: Suspension Concentrate (SC)
- Pack sizes: 20L, 110L, 1,000L
APVMA Code: 86427/124915
Supporting Documents
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Product Overview
When used as directed, Overwatch® Herbicide provides a good level of crop safety, operational flexibility and reliable control of annual ryegrass, bifora, sow thistle / milk thistle, wireweed, lesser loosestrife and silvergrass for up to 12 weeks after application.
As a light activated herbicide that doesn’t effect germination, the visual signature of Overwatch® Herbicide means you can actually see it working because the weeds emerged bleached, and unlike other pre-emergent products, this feature of Overwatch® Herbicide provides handy confirmation of where it was applied.
Its active ingredient Bixlozone, trademarked Isoflex™ active, is a Group 13 mode of action herbicide making it a unique weed control option in the Australian broadacre market. Overwatch® Herbicide has proven effective in the control of annual ryegrass biotypes that have developed resistance to other herbicide modes of action ensuring it is an an effective tool in the fight against herbicide resistance.


Faba Beans
Field Peas


Durum Wheat
Always refer to the product label for an official listing of crop usage, restrictions and precautions.
Full crop listing
- Wheat
- Barley
- Canola
- Faba Beans
- Field Peas
- Durum Wheat
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
Always read and follow label instructions.
FMC, the FMC logo and Overwatch® Herbicide are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.