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Pyzero 10 EC Weed Control

Pyzero 10EC is a systemic and contact late post-emergent selective herbicide containing Metamifop belonging to HRAC Group 1 under Tox Category 4 (Green label) for the control of annual grass weeds registered in rice.

Quick Facts

√ Excellent control against hard to control grass weeds like Leptochloa, Echinochloa and Ischaemum.

√ Effect on weeds can be observed after 3 to 5 days after application which include chlorosis of new leaves, red/purple discoloration of old leaves and rotting of tissues at growing point (deadheart)

√ Applied on early to late vegetative stage of crop or at least 4 -5 leaf stage of weeds

√ Control weeds within 5 to 10 days after application

√ Zero phytotoxicity. No phytotoxic effect on the rice plant even at high rates (no chlorosis/yellowing)


active ingredient


Supporting Documents

Product Overview

√ Minimize weed competition allowing rice plants to achieve potential yield

√ Reduce cost, minimize herbicide application, no need for follow up to control grass weeds

√ Effect on weeds include Chlorosis of new leaves, Red/purple old leaves and tissues at growing point rot (deadheart)

√ Minimize contamination of harvested rice grains with weed seeds


Full crop listing

  • Rice