Quick Facts
√ Excellent control against hard to control grass weeds like Leptochloa, Echinochloa and Ischaemum.
√ Effect on weeds can be observed after 3 to 5 days after application which include chlorosis of new leaves, red/purple discoloration of old leaves and rotting of tissues at growing point (deadheart)
√ Applied on early to late vegetative stage of crop or at least 4 -5 leaf stage of weeds
√ Control weeds within 5 to 10 days after application
√ Zero phytotoxicity. No phytotoxic effect on the rice plant even at high rates (no chlorosis/yellowing)
active ingredient
Supporting Documents
Product Overview
√ Minimize weed competition allowing rice plants to achieve potential yield
√ Reduce cost, minimize herbicide application, no need for follow up to control grass weeds
√ Effect on weeds include Chlorosis of new leaves, Red/purple old leaves and tissues at growing point rot (deadheart)
√ Minimize contamination of harvested rice grains with weed seeds

Target Control For Rice
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Grasses
Full crop listing
- Rice
DISCLAIMER: Pesticides must be used with the recommended dosage/concentration and the recommended interval application on the label or the accompanying supplementary label. Good agricultural cultivation practices need to be known and implemented when using this product. FMC is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from use in any way that does not comply with the recommendations given by FMC. The user fully assumes all risks related to unrecommended use.