Quick Facts
- Improves the performance of knockdown herbicides on tough to control broadleaf weeds.
- Improved speed of brown-out over glyphosate applied alone (typically within 4 days).
- All crops can be sown within one hour of application (due to rapid foliar uptake).
- No plant back restrictions for flexibility in crop selection.
- Compatible with a wide range of knockdown products for greater overall weed control.
- Active constituent: 400 g/L Carfentrazone-Ethyl
- Solvent: 466 g/L Liquid Hydrocarbon
- Formulation type: Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
- Pack size: 1L, 5L
APVMA Code: 63228/115135
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Product Overview
Hammer® 400 EC Herbicide has shown to be a highly effective and versatile tool for broadacre use prior to the establishment of winter and summer crops or commencing and maintaining a fallow. When used in combination with knockdown herbicides, Hammer® 400EC Herbicide significantly increases brownout and improves control of hard to kill weeds such as Marshmallow, Capeweed, Paterson's curse and Wild radish.
Hammer® 400 EC Herbicide is a non-residual, contact herbicide that is readily absorbed by green leaves and stems of broadleaf plants, with no translocation within the plant to roots or to other, unsprayed leaves. When used at the label rates, Hammer® 400EC Herbicide has no residual activity from herbicide that falls onto soil which results in a nil re-cropping interval to all winter and summer crops.
Hammer® 400EC Herbicide shows robust and consistent control of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds. Hammer® 400EC Herbicide has excellent compatibility with glyphosate and paraquat based herbicides for broad spectrum weed control.


Tree Nuts

Full crop listing
- Cereals
- Tree Nuts
- Cotton
- Pastures and Rangeland
- Grapevine
- Agricultural non-crop areas
- Sub-Tropical Fruit
- Sub-Tropical Fruit
- Maize
- Fallow
- Lentils
- Chickpeas
- Lupins
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
Always read and follow label instructions.
FMC, the FMC logo and Hammer® are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.