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Verimark® 20SC Insect Control

Verimark® 20SC is a systemic insecticide containing Cyantraniliprole powered by Cyazypyr® active  belonging to IRAC Group 28 under Tox Category 4 (Green label)  for the control of chewing and sucking insect pests like  Cutworm, Whitefly and Leafminer in Tomato, Aphids and Melon worm in Bittergourd and Cutworm in Onion.  Verimark® 20SC is recommended to be applied as seedling drench to provide preventive and curative control against chewing and sucking insect pests

Quick Facts

√ Serve as shield protection with strong root systemic action 

√ Optimize for root uptake and is recommended for application as drench and application as foliar treatment is not advised

√ Rapid feeding cessation that stops immediately the pest damage within 7 minutes

√ Ovilarvicide activity paralyzes the larva that hatches from the egg within 7 minutes 

√ Can provide control from seedling to vegetative stage

√ Rainfastness property - even if it rains after 2 to 4 hours, the spray solution stays on the crop

√ Longer protection that lasts up to 14 days

√ Control over Multiple stages of Insect Pests to prevent the sudden increase in pest populations

√ Excellent control of insect vectors like aphids, whiteflies to prevent transmission of viral diseases

√ Effective Cross Spectrum control against early sucking and chewing insect pests.

√ Green label product and generally safe to Non-Target Organisms (NTO)

Active Ingredients

Cyazypyr® active

Product Overview

√ Immediately stops crop damage due to rapid feeding cessation property

√ Less plant stress which allows faster recovery from transplant shocks and reduces seedling mortality

√ Uniform seedling growth

√ Earlier flowering and fruiting; More primings (fruiting indeterminate vegetable varieties)

√ More uniform marketable fruits; More regular and Large fruits

√ Higher income due to additional yield

√ Save cost as it minimizes insecticide sprays and can control both chewing and sucking insect pests


Full crop listing

  • Tomato
  • Bitter gourd
  • Onion