Quick Facts
√ Serve as shield protection with strong root systemic action
√ Optimize for root uptake and is recommended for application as drench and application as foliar treatment is not advised
√ Rapid feeding cessation that stops immediately the pest damage within 7 minutes
√ Ovilarvicide activity paralyzes the larva that hatches from the egg within 7 minutes
√ Can provide control from seedling to vegetative stage
√ Rainfastness property - even if it rains after 2 to 4 hours, the spray solution stays on the crop
√ Longer protection that lasts up to 14 days
√ Control over Multiple stages of Insect Pests to prevent the sudden increase in pest populations
√ Excellent control of insect vectors like aphids, whiteflies to prevent transmission of viral diseases
√ Effective Cross Spectrum control against early sucking and chewing insect pests.
√ Green label product and generally safe to Non-Target Organisms (NTO)
Active Ingredients
Cyazypyr® active
Supporting Documents
Product Overview
√ Immediately stops crop damage due to rapid feeding cessation property
√ Less plant stress which allows faster recovery from transplant shocks and reduces seedling mortality
√ Uniform seedling growth
√ Earlier flowering and fruiting; More primings (fruiting indeterminate vegetable varieties)
√ More uniform marketable fruits; More regular and Large fruits
√ Higher income due to additional yield
√ Save cost as it minimizes insecticide sprays and can control both chewing and sucking insect pests

Target Control For Tomato
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cutworm
- Whitefly
- Leafminer

Bitter gourd
Target Control For Bitter gourd
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Aphids
- Melon Worm

Target Control For Onion
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Cutworm
Full crop listing
- Tomato
- Bitter gourd
- Onion
DISCLAIMER: Pesticides must be used with the recommended dosage/concentration and the recommended interval application on the label or the accompanying supplementary label. Good agricultural cultivation practices need to be known and implemented when using this product. FMC is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from use in any way that does not comply with the recommendations given by FMC. The user fully assumes all risks related to unrecommended use.