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Talstar® 8SC Insect Control

Talstar® 8SC is a contact insecticide containing Bifenthrin belonging to IRAC Group 3A under Tox category 2 (Yellow label)  for the control of insect pests like Flower thrips in Banana and Leafhopper and Tip borer in Mango. Talstar® 8SC is recommended to be applied as a preventive and curative control.

Quick Facts

√ Contact insecticide - quick control against sucking insect pests

√ Repellency Action - create strong shield protection for the plants

√ Paralysis of insect pests then followed by the spastic activity due to the hyperactivity of the nerve endings caused by Interfering in sodium channel activity 

√ Rainfastnes - sticks to the plant even at high temperature and exposure to rains at least 1 hour from application

√ Longer Residual Properties - the plant is protected for 7 to 10 days

√ Effective alternative to other insecticide chemistry as a resistance management tool


Active Ingredients


Supporting Documents

Product Overview

√ Immediately reduced crop damage due to knockdown effect

√ Promote greening of the plants

√ Reduced number of rejects, more quality yield and improved profitability with judicious use

√ Save cost as it minimizes insecticide sprays


Full crop listing

  • Rice
  • Mango
  • Banana