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Steward® 30WDG Insect Control

Steward® 30WDG is a contact insecticide containing Indoxacarb belonging to IRAC Group 22A under Tox category 3 (Blue label)  for the control of chewing insect pests like Diamondback moth in Cabbage, Leaffolder and Cutworm in Bittergourd,  Fruit and Shootborer (FSB) in Eggplant, Podborer in Stringbeans, Budworm and Cutworm in Tobacco and Fall armyworm (FAW) in Corn. Steward® 30WDG is recommended to be applied as a preventive control.

Quick Facts

√ Contact insecticide - quick control against chewing insect pests

√ Rapid feeding cessation that immediately stops pest damage

√ Provides control from vegetative to heading/fruiting stage

√ Rainfastness property

√ Provides Longer protection that lasts  from 7  to 14 days

√ Controls different larval stages of insect pests

√ Effective alternative to systemic insecticides as part of resistance management program


Active Ingredients


Product Overview

√ Immediately reduced crop damage due to rapid feeding cessation property

√ More uniform crop growth, healthy and undamaged leaves, flowers and fruits

√ Prolong harvest period

√ Reduced number of rejects, more quality yield and improved profitability with judicious use


Full crop listing

  • Cabbage
  • Eggplant
  • Bitter gourd
  • Stringbeans
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Tobacco