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Marshal® 200 SC Insect Control

Marshal®  200SC is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide containing Carbosulfan belonging to IRAC Group 1A under Tox category 2 (Yellow label) for the control of chewing and sucking insect pests like Green leafhopper, Brown planthopper, Stemborer,  Rice bug and Whorl maggots in Rice, Fruitworm and Cutworm in Tomato, Leafminer in Potato, Thrips and Leaffolder in Watermelon, Mango leafhopper, Fruitfly, Thrips, Scale insect, Tip borer and Seed borer in Mango and Fall armyworm (FAW) in Corn.  Marshal®  200SC is recommended to be applied as both preventive and curative control.

Quick Facts

√ Systemic property which protects the entire plant against pest damage

√ Triple Action Insecticide - contact, systemic and stomach action

√ Fast Acting - act on the nervous system of the target insect pests

√ Broad-spectrum insecticide for control of both chewing and sucking insect pests

√ Can provide protection from vegetative to fruiting stage

√ Longer protection that lasts up to 7 - 14 days

√ Rainfastness property - contains sticker, even if it rains, the spray solution stays on the crop

√ Control over multiple stages of insect pests

√ Effective alternative to other insecticide chemistry as a resistance management tool





Product Overview

√ Immediate reduction crop pest damage

√ Healthy and vigorous plant

√ Healthy and undamaged leaves, flowers and fruits

√ Prolong harvest period

√ Less rejects, more marketable fruits, higher quality fruits

√ Increased profitability with judicious use

√ Reduces cost because of fewer insecticide sprays compared to regular farmer practice and can control both control chewing and sucking insect pests

√ Faster recovery of non-target pest population

√ Environmental safety - residue does not accumulate in the environment


Full crop listing

  • Rice
  • Tomato
  • Potato
  • Watermelon
  • Corn
  • Mango