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Pointer® 250SC Disease Control

Pointer® 250SC is a highly systemic triazole fungicide containing Flutriafol belonging to FRAC Group 3 under Tox category 2 (yellow label) registered in banana for the control of Black sigatoka disease. Pointer® 250SC is recommended to be applied both as preventive and curative control treatment.

Quick Facts

√ Highly Systemic - most systemic and mobile among the triazole fungicide available in the market.

√ Quick Penetration - Flutriafol rapidly penetrates even through the waxy layer of the treated leaves, immediately protecting these leaves including newly emerging shoots

√ Stays in plant tissues for a much longer time than other triazoles ensuring excellent control.

√ Residual efficacy lasts 20 to 30 days

√ Effective against Sigatoka both before and at the onset of infection.

√ Rainfastness - Internal rain simulation trials proved the product already works within the plant 0.5 hours after application.

√ No phytotoxicity and does not leave residue in the fruit  when used according to the label

√ Effective alternative to other fungicides as a resistance management tool


Active Ingredients


Product Overview

√ Less Juvenoid (Anti-Gibberellic) Effect; The lower the juvenoid effect, the higher the productive potential of the plant

√ Healthy leaves for better photosynthetic activity

√ Improved the green life of banana fruits; improved quality of banana fruits

√ Increase bunch weight and finger calibration

√ Save Cost, longer control, less fungicide spray application


Full crop listing

  • Banana