Quick Facts
For the control of Brigalow regrowth, Tea tree regrowth, Mimoa pigra and certain problem woody weeds on grazing lands by hand, aerial and ground application as specified in the Directions For Use Table.
Aerial application of Graslan® Aerial 3D® HiLoad Herbicide is a full service model including:
- On-Farm paddock inspection completed by a highly experienced local specialist.
- GPS mapping of the area to be treated, soil type, topography and vegetation assessment, interpretation and compliance with the Vegetation Management Act 1999 and reef protection regulations.
- A detailed prescription is written that is tailored to the specifics of your site conditions.
- An all-inclusive one-price contract is signed, no hidden costs or nasty surprises to bite you later!
- Product is supplied freight included (FIS) to your local Farm Supplies Retailer.
- Aerial application by Precision Aerial includes on-ground supervision, pilots, planes and loading machinery.
- A copy of the completed application log is provided following application.
- A written performance guarantee is provided that is valid for two and a half years after application.
Product specification
- Active constituent: 300 g/kg TEBUTHIURON
- Formulation type: Granule
- Pack size: 20Kg / 500Kg / 1,000Kg
APVMA Code: 90121/127637
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Product Overview
Graslan® Herbicide is available from select rural retailers or you can contact the field team:
- Matt Ahern - Southern Queensland - 0427 874 218 - email
- Meg Leahy - Central Highlands - 0488 650 888 - email
- Darren McGrath - Central Queensland - 0438 772 136 - email
- Graham Fossett - Technical Lead - 0427 458 432 - email
- Andrew Burrows - FMC Coordinator - 0451 532 809 - email

Pastures and Rangeland

Brigalow Regrowth

Eucalypt Woodland Management

Prickly Acacia

Tea Tree Regrowth
Woody Weeds on grazing land
Always refer to the product label for an official listing of crop usage, restrictions and precautions.
REGISTERED STATES and territories
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- Western Australia
Always read and follow label instructions.
FMC, the FMC logo and Graslan® are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.