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Crop Challenges

Wheat Weed Solutions: Pacific Northwest Region

Some of the Pacific Northwest region is known for receiving large amounts of rain, but areas where winter wheat grows are experiencing dry conditions. In 2021, wheat growers in the Pacific Northwest experienced a 32% reduction in yields due to drought. Limited rain can push back harvesting schedules and decrease wheat quality.

With increased input and production costs, the quality and marketability of winter wheat are critical factors. Markets have been volatile over the last year, but growers know they must focus on producing high-quality grain.

Pacific Northwestern wheat growers should start their weed management programs early by applying a burndown or fallow application between spring and winter wheat crops, followed by a preemergence herbicide application to create long-term viability and increase wheat yields.

Help keep your wheat fields clean of the following key weeds this season and beyond.


Can reduce wheat yields up to 92%

  • Downy brome can reduce wheat yields by up to 92% while producing more than 400 pounds of seed per acre.
  • This weed can emerge before winter wheat, outcompeting the wheat crop for available space and nutrients.
  • Waiting until spring to control downy brome with a post application can cost growers valuable moisture and nitrogen resources.


One ryegrass per square yard can reduce wheat yields by 0.4%

  • One Italian ryegrass plant per square yard can reduce wheat yields by 0.4%.
  • Italian ryegrass competes with wheat by removing all the available phosphorus through its root system.


Mature Kochia disperses more than 14,000 seeds.

  • Kochia competes with winter wheat for water, nutrients and space after reaching 4 inches tall.
  • As kochia matures, the stem breaks off and disperses more than 14,000 seeds.


  • Mayweed chamomile is a bushy broadleaf plant that germinates annually in the spring.
  • The weed can reduce crop yields by 5% through competition for water, nutrients and light.


  • Russian thistle infestations cost growers more than $50 million annually in management costs.
  • The Russian thistle plant is extremely drought tolerant. The taproot can extend several feet into the soil to reach subsurface moisture. 

Your toolkit to success

FMC has several herbicide products to solve your weed problems in wheat, including Anthem® Flex herbicide, Aim® EC herbicide and Affinity® brand herbicides with TotalSol® soluble granules. Find the FMC herbicide solution that fits your weed management needs on your wheat operations.

Phenology graph depicting wheat growth stages: Planting / Emergence, Tillering and Stem elongation, Heading, and Ripening.




(prior to boot stage)

Aim® EC herbicide

Apply Aim EC herbicide as a burndown for control of kochia.


Apply Express herbicide with TotalSol® soluble granules for control of winter annual weeds such as mayweed chamomile, volunteer canola, Canada thistle, mustard species, chickweed, henbit and narrowleaf hawksbeard. 

Preplant – Preemergence

Aim EC herbicide

Apply Aim EC herbicide as a burndown for control of kochia.

Anthem® Flex herbicide

Apply preplant through preemergence in WA, OR, ID and MT for control of downy brome* and Italian ryegrass as well as other broadleaf weed activity.


Apply Express herbicide for control of winter annual weeds such as mayweed chamomile, volunteer canola, Canada thistle, mustard species, chickweed, henbit and narrowleaf hawksbeard. 

Spartan® Charge herbicide

Apply Spartan Charge herbicide on spring wheat for control of kochia and Russian thistle in ID and MT**.


(Feekes 3-7)

Aim EC herbicide

Apply Aim EC herbicide for added synergy with other broadleaf herbicides to better control summer and winter annual broadleaf weeds.


For control of Russian thistle, buckwheat, Canada thistle, mayweed chamomile and other broadleaf weeds.


Apply Express herbicide for control of winter annual weeds such as mayweed chamomile, volunteer canola, Canada thistle, mustard species, chickweed, henbit and narrowleaf hawksbeard. 

Please see label for specific instructions on control or suppression of listed weeds.

*See FIFRA Section 2(ee) Recommendation for control of downy brome in WA, ID, OR and MT.

**See FIFRA Section 24(c) Label for use in spring wheat.

Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. FMC, the FMC logo, Affinity, Aim, Ally, Anthem, Spartan and TotalSol are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. ©2022 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 22-FMC-1841 09/22