Quick Facts
- Enhanced pyrethroid chemistry works on contact.
- Labeled for use at-plant, pre or postemergence.
- Proven, broad-spectrum insecticide for higher yield potential.
- Controls more than 100 pests on 200 crops including five key vegetable groups.
- Controls widest range of insects.
- Apply by ground or air.
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Product Overview
With one of the broadest labels on the market and enhanced pyrethroid chemistry, Mustang Maxx insecticide controls more than 100 pests on 200 crops including corn, soybeans, alfalfa, rice, wheat, sunflowers and pasture.
Mustang Maxx insecticide delivers proven, long-lasting control of the widest range of insects for healthier crops and higher yields. Mustang Maxx insecticide works on contact and via ingestion to provide a quick knockdown of the toughest pests and keeps them away with residual pyrethroid repellency. Tough beetles, weevils and borers are no match for its fast-acting mode of action.
Mustang Maxx insecticide can be applied before, during or after planting. It also makes a great tank-mix partner with other products.
Labels and SDS

Field Corn
Target Control For Field Corn
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Aphid Species*
- Armyworm
- Corn Earworm
- Corn Rootworm Adults
- Cutworm
- Grasshopper
- Japanese Beetle Adult
- Stink Bug

Target Control For Soybeans
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Armyworm
- Cutworm
- Corn Earworm
- Corn Rootworm Adults
- Grasshopper
- Japanese Beetle
- Leafhopper
- Plant Bug
- Stink Bug

Sugar Beets
Target Control For Sugar Beets
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Aphid Species*
- Armyworm
- Cutworm
- Flea Beetle
- Grasshopper
- Leafhopper
- Leafminer Adult

Target Control For Alfalfa
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Alfalfa Weevil
- Aphid Species
- Armyworm
- Cutworm
- Grasshopper
- Plant Bug
- Stink Bug

Target Control For Cotton
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Armyworm
- Cutworm
- Grasshopper
- Stink Bug
* Aphid control may be variable depending on species present and host-plant relationships.
Always refer to the product label for an official listing of crop usage, restrictions and precautions.
Full crop listing
- Naranjilla
- Orchard Grass
- Oriental Pears
- Daikon
- Oyster Plant
- Pachira Nut
- Papayas
- Parsley
- Parsnips
- Pastures
- Peas (dried)
- Peaches
- Orach
- Onions (seed)
- Native Currant
- Oranges (navel)
- Nectarines
- Spinach (New Zealand)
- Niger
- Oil Radish
- Okari Nut
- Okra
- Olallie Berry
- Onions (dry)
- Peach Palm Nut
- Peanuts
- Popcorn
- Poppy Seed
- Potatoes
- Peas (process)
- Proso Millet
- Prunes
- Pummelo
- Pumpkins
- Quince
- Quinoa
- Radicchio
- Plumcot
- Plums
- Pears
- Pearl Millet
- Pecans
- Pepino
- Pequi
- Persian Melons
- Pigeon Pea
- Pili Nut
- Pimentos
- Pine Nut
- Pistachios
- Radishes
- Cherry, Nanking
- Jojoba
- Lemons
- Lentils
- Leren
- Lespedeza
- Lesquerella
- Lily Bulb
- Beans (lima, dry)
- Beans (lima, succulent)
- Limes
- Lingonberry
- Loganberries
- Leeks
- Leafy Amaranth
- Jostaberry
- Juneberry
- Jute (leaves)
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Kudzu
- Kumquats
- Kurrat
- Clover, Ladino
- Lady's Leek
- Lettuce (leaf)
- Loquat
- Blueberry, Lowbush
- Medlar
- Melons
- Milk Vetch
- Milkweed
- Mizuna
- Mongongo Nut
- Monkey Puzzle
- Monkey Pot
- Beans (mung)
- Muskmelon
- Mustard Greens
- Meadowfoam
- Maypop
- Lunaria
- Lupins
- Maca (leaves)
- Macadamia Nuts
- Spinach, Malabar
- Mamey Sapote
- Mandarin Orange
- Mangoes
- Mango Melon
- Martynia
- Mayhaws
- Mustard
- Radish,leaves
- Sweet Potatoes
- Tea Oil Plant
- Teff
- Tejocote
- Timothy Grass
- Tomatillos
- Tomato (transplant only)
- Triticale
- Tropical Almond
- Yams
- Turfgrass
- Turmeric
- Cherries, Sour
- Spinach, Tanier
- Sweet Rocket
- Clover, Sweet
- Swiss Chard
- Switchgrass
- Beets (table)
- Fescue, Tall
- Tallowwood
- Tangelos
- Tangerines
- Tangors
- Tanier
- Turnips
- Turnip Greens
- Lupin, White
- Rocket, Wild
- Grapes (wine)
- Barley (winter)
- Oats (winter)
- Purslane (winter)
- Squash (winter)
- Wheat (winter)
- Yam Beans
- Yellowhorn
- Youngberries
- Clover, White
- Wheatgrass
- Chervil Root
- Parsley Root
- Udo
- Uniq Fruit
- Cress (upland)
- Oranges (Valencia)
- Velvet Beans
- Vernonia
- Vetch
- Watercress
- Watermelons
- Zuiki
- Oranges (sweet)
- Grapes (raisin)
- Rye
- Ryegrass
- Safflower
- Sainfoin
- Salal
- Salsify (root)
- Sapodilla
- Sapucaia Nut
- Satsuma Mandarin
- Schisandraberr
- Sea Buckthorn
- Rutabagas
- Roselle
- Rangeland
- Rape Greens
- Rapeseed
- Rapini
- Raspberries
- Clover, Red
- Red Currant
- Rhubarb
- Rice
- Lettuce, Romain
- Rose Hip
- Cabbage (sea kale)
- Tomato Seeded
- Wheat (spring)
- Star Apple
- Aster, Stokes
- Sudan Grass
- Sugar Beets
- Sugarcane
- Squash (summer)
- Sunberry
- Sunflowers
- Cherries, Sweet
- Sweet Corn
- Oats (spring)
- Barley (spring)
- Sesame
- Shallots
- Eschalots, Green
- Shepherd's Purse
- Skirret
- Sloe
- Sorghum (milo)
- Sorghum Sudangrass
- Oranges (sour)
- Soybeans
- Spinach
- Lupin, Sweet
- Artichoke, Jerusalem
- Butternuts
- Cashew Nuts
- Cassava
- Castor Beans
- Cat's Whiskers
- Cauliflower
- Cavalo Broccoli
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Celtuce
- Cham-chwi
- Cham-na-mul
- Casaba
- Carrots
- Cabbage
- Cajou Nut
- Calamondin
- Calendula
- Canarygrass
- Candlenut
- Canistel
- Canola
- Cantaloupes
- Capulin
- Cardoon
- Chayote Fruit
- Chayote Root
- Chinese Cucumber
- Chinese Jujube
- Jujubes
- Gai Choy
- Quince, Chinese
- Tallowtree
- Violet, Chinese
- Chinese Waxgourd
- Chinquapin
- Chipilin
- Chives
- Chinese Chive
- Chinese Celery
- Chervil
- Chestnuts
- Chickpeas
- Chicory
- Peppers, Chile
- Chilean Guava
- Chinese Amaranth
- Chinese Artichoke
- Gai Lon
- Bok Choy
- Napa Cabbage
- Chufa
- Bur Oak
- Cabbage, Abyssinian
- Pears (Asian)
- Bean, Asparagus
- Avocados
- Azarole
- Balsam Apple
- Balsam Pear
- Basil
- Beans (dry)
- Beechnuts
- Beets (root)
- Peppers (bell & non-bell)
- Arrugula
- Arrowroot
- African Tree Nut
- Alfalfa
- Alfalfa Seed
- Almonds
- Clover, Alsike
- Amur Grape
- Apples
- Apricots
- Aronia Berry
- Arracacha
- Clover, Arrowleaf
- Onions (bunch)
- Bentgrass
- Boysenberries
- Brazil Nuts
- Brazilian Pine
- Beans (broad)
- Broccoli
- Broccoli Raab
- Bromegrass
- Brassicas
- Plantain (buckhorn)
- Buckwheat
- Buffalo Currant
- Borage
- Bluegrass
- Bermudagrass
- Trefoil, Birdsfoot
- Lettuce, Bitter
- Bitter Melon
- Cherry, Black
- Black Currant
- Black Sapote
- Walnut (black)
- Blackberries
- Peas (blackeyed)
- Blackjack
- Bunya
- Cilantro
- Fennel, Florence
- Gherkin
- Ginger
- Ginkgo
- Ginseng
- Artichokes
- Goji Berry
- Gold of Pleasure
- Good King Henry
- Gooseberries
- Lupin, Grain
- Sorghum (grain)
- Garlic
- Garland
- Grapes
- Tomatoes
- Fritillaria Bulb
- Fritillaria Leaf
- Fuki
- Garbanzo Beans
- Beets, Garden
- Cress (garden)
- Garden Huckleberry
- Peas (garden)
- Purslane (garden)
- Grapefruit
- Forage Grasses
- Hickory Nuts
- Blueberries
- Cranberry (high)
- Honeyballs
- Honeydew Melon
- Horseradish
- Huauzontle
- Huckleberries
- Aster, Indian
- Jackbean
- Horsechestnut
- Heartnut
- Lettuce (head)
- Grasses
- Green Beans
- Onions (green)
- Peas (green)
- Groundcherry
- Guar
- Guiana Chestnut
- Hanover Salad
- Hardy Kiwi
- Hare's Ear Mustard
- Hazelnuts
- Quince, Japanese
- Flax
- Citrus Citron
- Crown Vetch
- Cucumbers
- Cuphea
- Currants
- Dandelions
- Dang-gwi, Leaf
- Taro
- Daylily Bulb
- Dewberries
- Dika Nut
- Dillweed
- Clover, Crimson
- Crenshaw
- Citron Melon
- Cocona
- Coconuts
- Collards
- Coquito Nut
- Corn Salad
- Cosmos
- Cotton
- Cowpeas
- Crabapples
- Crambe
- Dock (sorrel)
- Dol-nam-mul
- Escarole
- Euphorbia
- Barberry, European
- Primrose, Evening
- Oats (fall)
- Fameflower
- Feather Cockscomb
- Field Corn
- Filberts (hazelnuts)
- Walnuts
- Primrose, English
- Wheat (durum)
- Ebolo
- Echium
- Edible Burdock
- Edible Canna
- Gourds
- Honeysuckle
- Eggplant
- Elderberries
- Elegans Hosta
- Endive
- Fescue
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Massachusetts
- Maryland
- Maine
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- New York
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Vermont
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
Product Specifications
Mustang Maxx is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. FMC, the FMC logo and Mustang are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. ©2020 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 20-FMC-0556 03/20
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