Quick Facts
- Only premix of azoxystrobin and FMC-patented flutriafol.
- Provides both preventative and curative control on a number of major plant diseases.
- Highly systemic fungicide that helps protect against disease before onset and until the early growth stages; also offers long residual control.
- Two unique modes of action for resistance management and broad-spectrum disease control.
- Improved stress tolerance means healthier plants help maximize yields.
Supporting Documents
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Product Overview
Topguard EQ fungicide is the only premix that combines the benefits of highly systemic and long-lasting Group 3 fungicide, flutriafol, with a top-of-class Group 11 strobilurin fungicide, azoxystrobin.
The two modes of action in Topguard EQ fungicide are distinctly different. Flutriafol provides some of the longest residual control in its class and is very mobile in the plant’s xylem. Once applied, flutriafol rapidly penetrates the waxy layer of the leaf and moves upward through the plant to help prevent disease onset.
Azoxystrobin inhibits fungal respiration, causing the fungal cells to die. It also reduces plant stress for improved health. These two active ingredients provide long-lasting, preventative and curative control of major plant diseases, including those that have developed resistance to strobilurin fungicides.
Plant health effects include decreased ethylene production, increased carbon assimilation, increased water and nutrient uptake efficiency.
Labels and SDS

Field Corn
Target Control For Field Corn
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Anthracnose Leaf Blight
- Common Rust
- Gray Leaf Spot
- Northern Corn Leaf Blight
- Southern Rust
- Tar Spot

Target Control For Popcorn
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Anthracnose Leaf Blight
- Common Rust
- Gray Leaf Spot
- Northern Corn Leaf Blight
- Southern Rust
- Tar Spot

Target Control For Wheat
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Leaf Rust
- Powdery Mildew
- Septoria Leaf Blotch
- Stem Rust
- Stripe Rust
- Tan Spot
Always refer to the product label for an official listing of crop usage, restrictions and precautions.
Full crop listing
- Lettuce (head)
- Naranjilla
- Nectarines
- Spinach (New Zealand)
- Okari Nut
- Okra
- Orach
- Pachira Nut
- Parsley
- Peaches
- Peach Palm Nut
- Peanuts
- Pecans
- Pepino
- Pequi
- Persian Melons
- Pili Nut
- Mustard Spinach
- Mustard Greens
- Muskmelon
- Heartnut
- Hickory Nuts
- Honeyballs
- Honeydew Melon
- Horsechestnut
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Lettuce (leaf)
- Leafy Amaranth
- Macadamia Nuts
- Mango Melon
- Martynia
- Melons
- Mizuna
- Mongongo Nut
- Monkey Puzzle
- Monkey Pot
- Pine Nut
- Pistachios
- Plums
- Sunberry
- Cherries, Sweet
- Sweet Corn
- Swiss Chard
- Cherries, Sour
- Tomatillos
- Tomato (transplant only)
- Triticale
- Tropical Almond
- Cress (upland)
- Spinach (vine)
- Watermelons
- Grapes (wine)
- Barley (winter)
- Purslane (winter)
- Squash (winter)
- Wheat (winter)
- Squash (summer)
- Sugar Beets
- Strawberries
- Plumcot
- Popcorn
- Prunes
- Pumpkins
- Radicchio
- Grapes (raisin)
- Rape Greens
- Rapini
- Rhubarb
- Lettuce, Romain
- Roselle
- Sapucaia Nut
- Tomato Seeded
- Soybeans
- Spinach
- Barley (spring)
- Wheat (spring)
- Yellowhorn
- African Tree Nut
- Candlenut
- Cantaloupes
- Cardoon
- Casaba
- Cashew Nuts
- Cauliflower
- Cavalo Broccoli
- Celery
- Celtuce
- Chayote Fruit
- Chervil
- Chestnuts
- Peppers, Chile
- Gai Lon
- Bok Choy
- Napa Cabbage
- Chinese Celery
- Cajou Nut
- Cabbage
- Butternuts
- Almonds
- Apricots
- Arrugula
- Balsam Apple
- Balsam Pear
- Beechnuts
- Peppers (bell & non-bell)
- Lettuce, Bitter
- Bitter Melon
- Walnut (black)
- Brazil Nuts
- Brazilian Pine
- Broccoli
- Broccoli Raab
- Brassicas
- Bunya
- Bur Oak
- Chinese Cucumber
- Gai Choy
- Chinese Waxgourd
- Field Corn
- Filberts (hazelnuts)
- Fennel, Florence
- Grapes
- Tomatoes
- Cress (garden)
- Garden Huckleberry
- Purslane (garden)
- Garland
- Gherkin
- Ginkgo
- Goji Berry
- Sorghum (grain)
- Groundcherry
- Guiana Chestnut
- Escarole
- Walnuts
- Endive
- Chinquapin
- Citron Melon
- Cocona
- Coconuts
- Collards
- Coquito Nut
- Corn Salad
- Cotton
- Crenshaw
- Cucumbers
- Dandelions
- Dika Nut
- Dock (sorrel)
- Wheat (durum)
- Gourds
- Chrysanthemums
- Eggplant
- Hazelnuts
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Massachusetts
- Maryland
- Maine
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Montana
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- Nevada
- New York
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Virginia
- Vermont
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
Product Specifications
Trial Data

Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. FMC, the FMC logo, Prevathon and Topguard are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. Headline is a trademark of BASF. Trivapro is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. Prosaro is a trademark of Bayer CropScience. ©2020 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 20-FMC-0556 03/20
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