Quick Facts
√ Long Lasting Action. Contact & systemic herbicide that has a long residual action and duration of control. If field moisture is maintained at least at saturated level, control against weeds may last up to 12 weeks
√ Controls weeds thru cell membrane disruption, which is initiated by the inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis eventually leading to mortality of the weeds
√ As for emerging weeds, they will degrade shortly after exposure to light
√ No rainfastness issue - moderate rain actually improves the product efficacy
active ingredient
Supporting Documents
Product Overview
√ Crops are able to grow without weed competition and thus are able to maximize absorption of available nutrients and moisture
√ Improved quality of yield due to maximum utilization of nutrients and moisture
√ Save on cost for manual weeding and clearing before harvesting, minimize herbicide application

Target Control For Sugarcane
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Broadleaves
- Sedges
- Grasses

Target Control For Pineapple
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Broadleaves
- Sedges
Full crop listing
- Sugarcane
- Pineapple
DISCLAIMER: Pesticides must be used with the recommended dosage/concentration and the recommended interval application on the label or the accompanying supplementary label. Good agricultural cultivation practices need to be known and implemented when using this product. FMC is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from use in any way that does not comply with the recommendations given by FMC. The user fully assumes all risks related to unrecommended use.