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FMC Upside: Tech Talks

Facing new or tough-to-control crop challenges this season? The FMC technical services team is in the field with you, providing updates and insights right from the field. Tune in as these agronomic experts speak to the in-season pressures their regions are facing and the best tools to help save your season.

Displaying 61-80 of 93 results

Tips to Help Improve Your Wheat Yields With a Systemic Fungicide Program

FMC Technical Service Manager Bruce Steward discusses the Topguard® fungicide “5 on 5” program aimed to help growers combat costly diseases and improved yields at harvest.

Jump-Start Your Control of Troublesome Weeds With an Effective Fall Burndown Program

FMC Technical Service Manager, Brandon Schrage, outlines key components of a successful fall burndown program.

Command® 3ME Microencapsulated Herbicide: Rice Weed Control You Can Depend On

 FMC Senior Technical Service Manager Don Johnson explains why Command® 3ME microencapsulated herbicide is the top preemergence herbicide for control of tough weeds like barnyardgrass and sprangletop across the Mid-South.

FMC Tech Talk: Identifying And Controlling California Alfalfa Pests

Phillip Northover FMC Tech Talk

FMC Tech Talk: Late-Season Soybean Scouting - Takeaways From the Field

FMC Upside Talk Talk Drake Copeland

FMC Tech Talk: Protect Your Alfalfa Fields From Cotton Root Rot With Topguard Terra® Fungicide

Topguard Terra Alfalfa Phillip Northrup

FMC Tech Talk: Mitigate Trunk Disease in Walnuts With the Most Xylem-Mobile Triazole on the Market

Rhyme fungicide tree nuts walnuts

FMC Tech Talk: In-Furrow Disease Control With Xyway® LFR® Fungicide - 100-Day Check

Don Johnson Xyway LFR Fungicide

FMC Tech Talk: Add Flexibility to Your Burndown Program With Panoflex® Herbicide

FMC burndown Panoflex herbicide

FMC Tech Talk: Switch Up Your Corn Rootworm Control with an Adult Beetle-Targeting Insecticide

Brent Neuberger Steward EC Corn Rootworm

FMC Tech Talk: Save Time With the Season-Long Protection of New Xyway® 3D In-Furrow Fungicide

Save time in the field with the protection of Xyway 3D In-Furrow Fungicide.

FMC Tech Talk: The Fuller Rose Beetle's Impact on Citrus Profitability and What to do to Control It

Philip Northover shares insights on controlling Fuller rose beetles.

FMC Tech Talk: Xyway® Brand Fungicides Performance Update - Milan, TN

FMC Upside Tech Talk Xyway Fungicide

FMC Tech Talk: Take Down Resistant Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds With a Unique Mode of Action

FMC Upside Tech Talk video discussing weed and grass control with Anthem Flex herbicide.

FMC Tech Talk: How to be Aware and Ready When Peanut Diseases Strike Your Fields

FMC Tech Talk Peanut Disease Lucento fungicide

FMC Tech Talk: Tips for Identifying Some of Corn's Most Costly Diseases in Your Fields

FMC Tech talk Corn disease lucento fungicide

FMC Tech Talk: In-Furrow Disease Protection - The Science Behind New Xyway® LFR® Fungicide

FMC Upside Tech Talk Xyway Update

FMC Tech Talk: Control Grapevine Trunk Diseases With the Most Systemic Triazole on the Market

FMC Upside tech talk Grapevine trunk disease

FMC Tech Talk: Western Corn Rootworm: Today’s To-Do’s for Control in the Future

FMC Tech Talk Corn Rootworm Control Insecticide

FMC Tech Talk: Tips to Combat the Widening Emergence Window for Corn Rootworm Adults

Corn Rootworm Tech Talk FMC