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Displaying 181-200 of 249 results

FMC Tech Talk: Identify and Control Costly Navel Orangeworm in Your Pistachios with These Tips

FMC Technical Service Manager Philip Northover shares facts about Navel orangeworm.

FMC Tech Talk: Alfalfa Weevil - Top Things to Know About This Damage-Causing Pest

Alfafa Weevil Tech Talk

FMC Tech Talk: Ways to Help Mitigate Powdery Mildew's Damaging Effect on Cucurbit Yields

Phillip Northover FMC Upside Tech Talk

Tips to Help Improve Your Wheat Yields With a Systemic Fungicide Program

FMC Technical Service Manager Bruce Steward discusses the Topguard® fungicide “5 on 5” program aimed to help growers combat costly diseases and improved yields at harvest.

News Release: FMC Launches Advanced, Low-Use-Rate Formulation of Rynaxypyr® Active

Vantacor™ insect control delivers convenient, targeted and long-lasting residual control of worm pests in row crops.

Jump-Start Your Control of Troublesome Weeds With an Effective Fall Burndown Program

FMC Technical Service Manager, Brandon Schrage, outlines key components of a successful fall burndown program.

Aim® EC Herbicide: Cotton Harvest Aid

Cotton Defoliation With Aim EC

Novel Management Tactic Delivers Inside-Out Protection for Grapevine Trunk Diseases

Vineyard FMC Fungicides

Command® 3ME Microencapsulated Herbicide: Rice Weed Control You Can Depend On

 FMC Senior Technical Service Manager Don Johnson explains why Command® 3ME microencapsulated herbicide is the top preemergence herbicide for control of tough weeds like barnyardgrass and sprangletop across the Mid-South.

Realize Optimum Wheat Quality and Yields Through Consistent and Effective Disease Control

Winter Wheat Field

Quick, Consistent Cotton Defoliation and Weed Desiccation

Cotton Defoliation With Display Cotton Defoliant

The Cornerstone Herbicide Program in Irrigated Wheat in WA, OR, and MT

Irrigated Wheat Anthem Flex Herbicide

Start Clean, Stay Clean: Fall Herbicide Programs For Spring Corn or Soybeans

Start clean, stay clean fall herbicide programs

Realize optimum wheat quality and yields through consistent and effective weed control

FMC Upside Hatchtrack growing wheat

FMC Tech Talk: Identifying And Controlling California Alfalfa Pests

Phillip Northover FMC Tech Talk

FMC Tech Talk: Late-Season Soybean Scouting - Takeaways From the Field

FMC Upside Talk Talk Drake Copeland

Take Control of Key Pests in Soybeans and Increase Yields

Hero Insecticide Soybeans

FMC Tech Talk: Protect Your Alfalfa Fields From Cotton Root Rot With Topguard Terra® Fungicide

Topguard Terra Alfalfa Phillip Northrup

FMC Tech Talk: Mitigate Trunk Disease in Walnuts With the Most Xylem-Mobile Triazole on the Market

Rhyme fungicide tree nuts walnuts

FMC Tech Talk: In-Furrow Disease Control With Xyway® LFR® Fungicide - 100-Day Check

Don Johnson Xyway LFR Fungicide

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