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Displaying 161-180 of 244 results

Breaking Out of the Navel Orangeworm Cycle


Managing Mites in the Great Plains

Close up of soybean pods

Spring Wheat Management

Close up of growing wheat

Control of Italian Ryegrass In Fallow Fields with Anthem® Flex Herbicide

Close up of ryegrass

Technical Service Managers Win SWSS Awards

weed feature card

The Weed Seed Shift in Soybeans: Resistance Issues and Fundamentals

Managing Resistant Weeds

Help Improve Corn Stand Counts and Root Health With a Sound In-Furrow Program

Chris Leon Tech Talk

FMC Winter Wheat Portfolio Tour: An In-Depth Look at Our Portfolio

Winter Wheat Field

2020 Research Update On Grapevine Trunk Disease Pathogens


Changing The Way We Tackle Foliar Disease Control In Sweet Corn

Cob of sweet corn

Changing The Way We Tackle Foliar Disease Control In Silage Corn

Harvesting corn silage

FMC Tech Talk: Strategies to Help Manage Lygus Bug Damage in Strawberries

FMC Technical Service Manager Philip Northover discusses management strategies for lygus bugs.

FMC Tech Talk: Considerations for Disease Management in Corn

Chris Leon Tech Talk

FMC Tech Talk: Battling Glyphosate & ALS-Resistant Weeds in Wheat With a New Mode of Action

Anthem Flex Tech Talk

News Release: FMC Corporation Recognized at 2020 Crop Science Awards

Innovation card

FMC Tech Talk: Identify and Control Costly Navel Orangeworm in Your Pistachios with These Tips

FMC Technical Service Manager Philip Northover shares facts about Navel orangeworm.

FMC Tech Talk: Alfalfa Weevil - Top Things to Know About This Damage-Causing Pest

Alfafa Weevil Tech Talk

FMC Tech Talk: Ways to Help Mitigate Powdery Mildew's Damaging Effect on Cucurbit Yields

Phillip Northover FMC Upside Tech Talk

Tips to Help Improve Your Wheat Yields With a Systemic Fungicide Program

FMC Technical Service Manager Bruce Steward discusses the Topguard® fungicide “5 on 5” program aimed to help growers combat costly diseases and improved yields at harvest.

News Release: FMC Launches Advanced, Low-Use-Rate Formulation of Rynaxypyr® Active

Vantacor™ insect control delivers convenient, targeted and long-lasting residual control of worm pests in row crops.

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