Quick Facts
- Unique spectrum of pest control, including both larval and adult stages, to protect yields.
- Only Group 22 insecticide available for labeled combinations of pests and crops.
- Highly effective on targeted pests: NOW, codling moth and peach twig borer.
- Enhanced formulation delivers better mixability in a conveniently sized 30-oz. bottle.
- Delivers reliable residual control with excellent rainfastness and stability under a wide range of water, pH, UV light intensity and temperatures.
- Can reduce selection pressure placed on other chemistries when used in rotation with different modes of action.
- Minimal impact on parasitoids and predators, making it a crucial part of integrated pest management (IPM) programs.
- Does not flare mites, aphids or scales when used in accordance with the label.
Supporting Documents
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Product Overview
Avaunt eVo insect control provides rapid activity and residual control of a wide range of lepidopteran pests (NOW, PTB and codling moth) and several species of weevils, beetles and sucking pests in specialty crops, all without flaring secondary pests like mites. It also helps manage tough early-season pests in tree nuts, such as leaf footed plant bug and green stink bug.
Using a unique mode of action, Avaunt eVo insect control has a minimal impact on many key beneficial insects with no cross-resistance to other insecticides. This makes it an ideal fit for IPM programs and an effective rotational tool with solutions like Altacor® eVo insect control for almonds. Designed with enhanced mixability and ease of use, Avaunt eVo insect control offers a smart, reliable solution for managing insect pests across a variety of specialty crops.
Labels and SDS

Target Control For Broccoli
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Beet Armyworm
- Cabbage Looper
- Cabbage Webworm
- Cross-striped Cabbageworm
- Diamondback Moth

Target Control For Tomatoes
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Armyworm
- Hornworm
- Loopers
- Tomato Fruitworm
- Tomato Pinworm

Target Control For Peaches
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Plum Curculio
- Katydid Nymph*
- Oriental Fruit Moth*
- Peach Twig Borer*

Target Control For Cauliflower
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Beet Armyworm
- Cabbage Looper
- Diamondback Moth

Target Control For Brassicas
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Beet Armyworm
- Cabbage Looper
- Diamondback Moth

Target Control For Almonds
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Codling Moth
- Navel Orangeworm
- Peach Twig Borer
* See official product label for application rates and instructions.
Always refer to the product label for an official listing of crop usage, restrictions and precautions.
Full crop listing
- Peppermint
- Native Currant
- Cherry, Nanking
- Mustard Spinach
- Mustard Greens
- Muskmelon
- Muntries
- Beans (mung)
- Mizuna
- Mint
- Nectarines
- Spinach (New Zealand)
- Pepino
- Pears
- Peaches
- Peas (dried)
- Partridgeberry
- Parsley
- Oriental Pears
- Orach
- Okra
- Melons
- Maypop
- Mayhaws
- Juneberry
- Jostaberry
- Artichoke, Jerusalem
- Huckleberries
- Honeydew Melon
- Honeyballs
- Cranberry (high)
- Blueberries
- Lettuce (head)
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Lettuce (leaf)
- Mango Melon
- Blueberry, Lowbush
- Loquat
- Lingonberry
- Beans (lima, succulent)
- Beans (lima, dry)
- Leren
- Lentils
- Leafy Amaranth
- Hardy Kiwi
- Persian Melons
- Yam Beans
- Cherries, Sour
- Tanier
- Tampala
- Swiss Chard
- Sweet Potatoes
- Lupin, Sweet
- Sweet Corn
- Cherries, Sweet
- Squash (summer)
- Tomatillos
- Tomato (transplant only)
- Yams
- Squash (winter)
- Purslane (winter)
- Grapes (wine)
- Lupin, White
- Watermelons
- Spinach (vine)
- Cress (upland)
- Turnip Greens
- Turmeric
- Spinach
- Spearmint
- Sloe
- Quince
- Pumpkins
- Prunes
- Peas (process)
- Potatoes
- Plumcot
- Plums
- Pistachios
- Pimentos
- Radicchio
- Grapes (raisin)
- Rape Greens
- Tomato Seeded
- Sea Buckthorn
- Schisandraberr
- Salal
- Roquette
- Lettuce, Romain
- Rhubarb
- Red Currant
- Rapini
- Pigeon Pea
- Guar
- Napa Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Cassava
- Casaba
- Cardoon
- Capulin
- Cantaloupes
- Cabbage
- Lettuce, Butter
- Buffalo Currant
- Cavalo Broccoli
- Celery
- Celtuce
- Bok Choy
- Gai Lon
- Chinese Artichoke
- Chilean Guava
- Peppers, Chile
- Chickpeas
- Chervil
- Chayote Root
- Chayote Fruit
- Brassicas
- Broccoli Raab
- Broccoli
- Balsam Apple
- Arrugula
- Arrowroot
- Arracacha
- Aronia Berry
- Apricots
- Apples
- Amur Grape
- Amaranth
- Balsam Pear
- Beans (dry)
- Bearberry
- Beans (broad)
- Peas (blackeyed)
- Walnut (black)
- Black Currant
- Cherry, Black
- Bitter Melon
- Bilberry
- Lettuce (bibb)
- Peppers (bell & non-bell)
- Almonds
- Chinese Celery
- Groundcherry
- Kiwi
- Tomatoes
- Grapes
- Fennel, Florence
- Barberry, European
- Escarole
- Walnuts
- Endive
- Elderberries
- Garbanzo Beans
- Beets, Garden
- Cress (garden)
- Peas (green)
- Green Beans
- Lupin, Grain
- Gooseberries
- Ginger
- Gherkin
- Garland
- Purslane (garden)
- Peas (garden)
- Eggplant
- Chrysanthemums
- Honeysuckle
- Collards
- Cloudberry
- Citron Melon
- Chufa
- Chinese Waxgourd
- Chinese Spinach
- Gai Choy
- Jujubes
- Chinese Jujube
- Corn Salad
- Cowpeas
- Crabapples
- Gourds
- Edible Canna
- Dock (sorrel)
- Taro
- Dandelions
- Currants
- Cucumbers
- Crenshaw
- Cranberries
- Chinese Cucumber
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. FMC, the FMC logo, Altacor and Avaunt are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. ©2025 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 25-FMC-2490 1/25
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