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Foundational Weed Control in Wheat with Anthem® Flex Herbicide

With wheat planting just around the corner, growers will soon be focused on managing crop inputs. Depending on where wheat is produced, troublesome, herbicide-resistant grasses and key broadleaf weed species continue to be a challenge for U.S. wheat growers.

Weeds and grasses can diminish yield potential. One key decision that coincides with wheat planting is how to effectively manage yield-robbing weeds to avoid potential loss and dockage at the grain elevator.

Improve performance and yield potential.  

“Growers are continually looking for chemistries that consistently provide a return on investment,” says Drake Copeland, FMC crop manager. “Anthem® Flex herbicide is an agronomically sound recommendation for wheat growers faced with herbicide-resistant grasses such as Italian ryegrass, green foxtail and downy brome. Control of winter annual grasses will result in improved light, water and nutrient use efficiency to help maximize grain fill and potential for greater wheat yields.”

Anthem Flex herbicide combines pyroxasulfone, the best-in-class Group 15 herbicide for superior residual activity on grasses and small-seeded broadleaves with carfentrazone-ethyl for additional burndown or POST activity on broadleaf weeds.

Anthem Flex herbicide also has great utility of application and consistent performance across all wheat growing regions in the U.S.

Cleaner fields mean higher yields.

Katie Ratzburg, Retail Market Manager (RMM) in Montana, tells her customers that “utilizing Anthem Flex herbicide will bring a different mode of action to your fields versus the typical Group 1 and Group 2 herbicide chemistries we have historically relied on to control grassy weeds. Growers who have used Anthem Flex herbicide are now able to take control of grassy weeds in ways they have never been able to before, resulting in cleaner fields and higher yields.”

Researchers have reported yield losses of 75% or more if heavy infestations of Italian ryegrass, downy brome or other grass weeds are not properly managed.

“Italian ryegrass has become a major issue on Oklahoma wheat acres resulting in extremely high dockage and sometimes unharvestable wheat. Anthem Flex herbicide is essential for harvesting clean wheat,” says Greg Justice, RMM in Oklahoma.

Alec Fleming, field services representative in Washington and Idaho, adds, “Incomplete or inadequate control of Italian ryegrass and downy brome won’t cut it for wheat growers in my territory. Any misses or escapes of these weeds — significant or not — can have a negative impact.”

Better rotation options and ROI.

Flexible use rates, rotation and application methods as well as consistent performance in wheat make the decision to use Anthem Flex herbicide an easy one. When choosing Anthem Flex herbicide growers can expect fields free of troublesome grass weed species to help maximize their wheat’s yield potential for a better return on investment.

Morgan Mason, field services representative in Kentucky, commented on the flexibility of Anthem Flex herbicide in a corn, wheat and soybean rotation: “Controlling ryegrass in a grass crop can be a challenge. But, with the flexibility and performance of Anthem Flex herbicide in any corn, wheat or soybean rotation, growers are able to maintain consistency and profitability.”

Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states. FMC, the FMC logo and Anthem are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. ©2023 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 23-FMC-2380 08/23