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Furagro® Plant Biostimulant

Furagro® is a plant biostimulant obtained from red macroalgae containing seaweed extract (21%), Potassium (as K2O - 6.3%) and organic matter (7%). It increases photosynthtic activity in plant, improves nutrient uptake and boosts crop metabolism, resulting in improved yield and quality produce. 

Quick Facts

√ Biostimulants that enhance the natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress,

√  Furagro® increased representation of up-regulated genes in the category of response to stress due to biotic and abiotic stimulus.

√  Furagro® supplied antioxidants to control ROS overproduction.

Product Overview

√ Protection against extreme condition such as drought, too much heat, too much water which minimizes its damages

√Attain maximum potential of crop in terms of quantity and quality of harvest

√ Higher yield caused by heavier fruits and grains


Full crop listing

  • Rice
  • Tomato
  • Eggplant
  • Bitter gourd