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Xyway® LFR® Fungicide for Cotton Root Rot Management

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Phymatotrichopsis omnivora, commonly known as cotton root rot, presents a major challenge for cotton growers across the southwestern United States. Estimated annual losses are approximately $29 million in Texas alone, so cotton plants need protection year in and year out. Cotton root rot develops in the late spring as soil temperatures approach 82 F. The first symptom is typically wilting, followed quickly by plant death. Historically, flutriafol has proven to be the only product that will effectively manage root rot in cotton. Xyway® LFR® represents a new flutriafol formulation that provides the same level of root rot activity at a more affordable price than previously used flutriafol products.

Field image.cotton root rot map

Xyway® LFR® Fungicide 

  • Flutriafol, the active ingredient, is the first and only chemical product in over 100 years of research to control cotton root rot.
  • Offers best in class residual and systemic activity to protect cotton plants all season long.
  • Forms a protective barrier around the plant’s roots at the point of fungal infection.
  • Flexible application methods, including T-band, modified in-furrow and drip irrigation.

Xyway LFR Fungicide Use in Cotton

Xyway LFR Fungicide vs Topguard Terra® Fungicide Rate Conversion (30"Rows)

topguard terra® Fungicide (fl.oz./A)

lb. ai/a

xyway® LFR® Fungicide (fl.oz./a)
4 0.13 8.7
5 0.16 10.8
6 0.19 13.0
7 0.22 15.2
8 0.26 17.3

xyway LFR Fungicide Product Rate/A To Rate/1,000 Row-FT. Conversion 

row spacing (inches)


32 34 36 38 40
Xyway LFR Fungicide (fl.oz./A) Xyway LFR Fungicide Rate/1,000 Row-Ft.  Xyway LFR Fungicide Rate/1,000 Row-Ft. 

Xyway LFR Fungicide Rate/1,000 Row-Ft. 

Xyway LFR Fungicide Rate/1,000 Row-Ft. 

Xyway LFR Fungicide Rate/1,000 Row-Ft. 

Xyway LFR Fungicide Rate/1,000 Row-Ft. 

8.7 0.50 0.53 0.57 0.67 0.63 0.67
10.8 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.79 0.83
13 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.99
15.2 0.87 0.93 0.99 1.05 1.10 1.16
17.3 0.99 1.06 1.13 1.19 1.26 1.32
  • Labeled use rate: 8.7 – 17.3 fl. oz./A.
  • Apply at planting in a T-band (preferred method) modified infurrow, or 3–4-inch band on top of the row.
  • May be injected into row 30 days prior to planting 2-3 inches below the seed placement zone.
  • Can be applied via drip irrigation where drip tape is no deeper than 12 inches below the soil surface.
  • Do not apply more than once per year.
  • Avoid direct contact with seed.
  • Sufficient rainfall or irrigation is necessary to move the product into the infection zone.
  • Always consult label for additional use information.


Dr. Reagan Noland, San Angelo, TX

Cotton Root RotCotton Root Rot

Comparison of untreated, T-band, Y-splitter, and 3” band behind the planter labeled application methods in 2021

Hatchtrak Charts

Always read and follow all label directions, precautions and restrictions for use. Some products are not registered for sale or use in all states. Xyway LFR fungicide may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your local FMC retailer or representative for details and availability in your state. FMC, the FMC logo, LFR, Topguard Terra and Xyway are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. ©2022 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved 21-FMC-1463 01/22

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