Quick Facts
- Fast-acting stomach and contact insecticide with particular attributes for repllancy of adult pests.
- Contains two effective insecticide active ingredients for robust control and resistance management.
- As Tripsol® is primarily a contact insecticide, thorough coverage of plants is important for optimum results.
- Pollinators: When applied during non-foraging periods such as early morning or evening, application will not interfere with the activity of honeybees once the spray has dried, other than causing a short 2-3 day reduced foraging effect.
- The maximum application rate for Tripsol® is 0.85 L/ha (19.13 g acrinathrin/ha and 10.71 abamectin/ha) with a maximum application frequency of four applications per year and a minimum application interval of seven days.
- Active Ingredient: 22.5 g/L Acrinathrin plus 12.6 g/L Abamectin
- Formulation Type: Oil in water emulsion
- Pack Size: 5L
ACVM Number: P008598
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Target Control For Tomato
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- Tomato Potato Psylid
Full crop listing
- Tomato
- Potato
Always read and follow label instructions. FMC, the FMC logo and Tripsol® are trademarks of FMC Corporation and/or an affiliate.