Quick Facts
- Durentis™ Turf Insecticide delivers excellent preventative performance, with optimal results achieved with application early in the season (mid-September) with the appearance of over-wintering adult pests.
- The long residual performance of Durentis™ Turf Insecticide will provide up to 6 months of protection at the higher application rates.
- Curative control with Durentis™ Turf Insecticide on pest outbreaks later in the season (mid-December onwards) can be achieved using the higher recommended application rates.
- Active Ingredient: 200 g/L Chlorantraniliprole
- Formulation Type: Suspension Concentrate (SC)
- Pack Size: 1 L
ACVM Number: Exempt from registration
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Golf Courses Lawns
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Target Control For Golf Courses Lawns
This product delivers effective control against the following:
- African Black Beetle
- Argentine Stem Weevil Larvae
- Greasy Cutworm
- Sod Webworm

Full crop listing
- Golf Courses Lawns
- Turf
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